The most fucking ps2 .hack game ever

Probably the best story in the series. The artstyle and Tokio take a bit of getting used to, but when his character arc really start, Link starts to get REALLY good.

Gameplay is fun enough, but I do not like the story compared to a lot of other mainline SMTs.

One of my favorite games of all time! Don't play it.

My favorite persona game. I love breaking it!

It however loses the atmosphere of the original, and is the game in the series that deserves a remake/remaster the most because of it.

Lucifer didn't like. That demi can fiend.

HORRIBLE story, loses out on SO much potential. I fucking love it.

But also Atlus what the fuck was up with Toki.

Very disconnected story to start the series off on, but Kyouji is my malewife.

This happened to my buddy sera. Also stop Satomi Tadashi from writing, please.

Really great game, I enjoyed the additions to SJR a lot! The bigger downside, for me, is the new artstyle.

Atlus at is again with a game where the protagonist and the Protagonist are different characters.