Legit the best game in the -blade section of the franchise. All of the flaws I see that are the biggest issue are optional side content (i.e. Boze in general). Overall a wonderful experience. Still not my favorite somehow lmao.

A game I hold near and dear to my heart. The story of Haseo may be a bit cliche at points, but his character arc and his existence as a boy with too much empathy, learning to let others in again, is personally so important to me.

I do not like how dull this game looks :(

If there is any game that deserves a remake in the xeno-series, it's Xenogears. It's an incredibly strong story, and extremely fun to experience all of disk 1. Disk 2, while it has some great moments, suffered from being so condensed compared to disk 1. I truly believe the game would shine more if Monolithsoft was allowed to take a crack at it again and extend the second half of their story.

REALLY good start, but then they introduce Hitler and things just Go Downhill fast.

Dwarven Noble origin my beloved.

It has so much jank, but is legit really fun for me to play. The story still stands out to me to this day.

The gameplay fucking sucks but man. I love the aesthetic and story a lot. Just watch the cutscenes and read the emails.

Extra half star for how epic the Skeith fight is, tho.

My personal favorite of the trilogy! I really do adore the cast and the very character-focused drive of most of the story.

Atlus at is again with a game where the protagonist and the Protagonist are different characters.

One of my favorite games of all time! Don't play it.

Atlus I beg you to have less writers next time.

This game often fills me w rage, but Marie is a cute addition.