God, this was dissapointing.

I don't know if i just didn't get far enough into the campaign but......an RTS where you are stuck watching one unit at a time? I get that it's probably a "realism" mechanic but, i find it just DULL

I think this game would have SLAYED when it's fuckin MMO last of us factions world war servers were still up, but they're not so....it doesn't

This uh, this caught me off guard.

This game really has all of the marking of a really fucking good game. It has semi-open levels, it has secrets to find, it's got a slightly but fun set of weapons, it has a weapon leveling system?! like who the fuck expected that

Weird controls, but i really can see what they were going for, and for the most part i think it paid off.

This is a game that feel slike it had a lot of ambition, and a huge white board covered in ideas, that slowly got wiped away as the studio ran out of time or money. What's left IS one of the most engaging single player WW2 shooters (of which there are a lot). The story might as well not be here, but the moment to moment gameplay is PARTICARLY fun for a FPS of this era. Very much worth a play, a chore with a controller tho, highly recomend M&K

Look, this is pretty fun.

The games presentation is imaculate. The colour palates, the unit design, even the UI is fantastic. The campaign? Honestly not super fun. The mission structures are really dull, and not at all where I think RTS missions should be by 2008, they're as railroaded as a classic like Warcraft 3

The skirmishes however are a TON of fun. Building your base, the rock paper scissors mechanic of RTS units is strong in this one, but there's 2 big problems

1. the AI is either pitiffully easy and there's almost no challenge once you survive the initial push (this is a very common problem in RTS games so i wouldnt fault this one except) but the next difficulty up is RIDICULOUS and the AI will absolutely pump you full of shit until you scream uncle

2. there's not fucking online. Stupid fuckin ea game and their stupid fuckin ea servers. If i could play this with my friend (we bought it to play together) it would get a higher grade. FOr now, eh

More games like this please.

Xbox360 era style linear action game. SO much fun. Callback to things like Wolverine and maybe some of the old spiderman games. just fun fun FUN fed to you on the end of a gleaming smith and wesson.

Incredible gothic western aesthetic too. Do not miss this fuckin game

I find this really hard to rate. I love anything 40k so i was extremely excited to try this game. I love the mechanicus and the necrons so it was all adding up, what I don't love is the gameplay.

The way that the levels are just broken up into nodes? Not a fan. The way the actual battles are this super structres almost style-less mechanics showcase? not a fan.

Nothing that i play strategy games for is really present in this game. It's in no way saying it's a bad game, it's extrmely well put together, but i like a bit of style and flair in my games, and this game has all the visual style (and some of the best audio i've ever heard in a video game i truely cannot express that enough) but the moment to moment gameplay brings almost no pinash. It's not for me.

I think i understand why my grandma is addicted to slot machines now

You ever play a video game that makes you feel like you need to take a shower? If no, see K&L2DD and get back to me

Kinda like max payne with less of the arcade and more of the snuff. I'm glad it exists, filthy fuckin thing it is.

Another game where it's hard to rate objectivity vs opinion.

I want to like this game SO bad. The player freedom is unprecendented, the world design is phenomenal, the ideas present in this are some of the best fuckin shit i've ever seen

But for me, it's just missing fun. i could forgive the repetition if it just made more sense. I could forgive the lack of direction if it was funnier. I could forgive the lack of explenation of systems if it had more to offer. Sadly it's too "make your own way" and not "make your own fun"

I think this game has a few aspects that are less exciting than the RE2 remake, but this is still a sensational

Hard to rate a COD game, they're so finely sheened to a mirror polish. A Call of Duty is really either one you like or one you don't. I like it, so I like this. It's one of the most mechanically solid and reasonably balanced call of duty's ive played in forever. The campaign was exciting and had some genuinely great characters.

The only thing holding this back for me is how battlepass/warzone focused it is. It's not inherently a bad thing, but they're just not for me.

Just a great call of duty

Such a fun game. The cult management systems are fun and the combat is simple. This is a really simple game, none of the systems of the game go ludiscrously in depth, which stops the game from being the greatest roguelite or the greatest managment sim, but both are so much fun that it's a treat to play

This is a certified hood classic

This might be my favourite Borderlands

Game definitely has problems, as all borderlands games do. I think the wonderlands are not even close to as
fully realised as borderlands 2, a lot of the side quests are moderatly empty and very repetitive


The fantasy aesthetic is fucking fantastic, the skill trees are smaller than BL2 and 3 BUT have extremely fun skills, and the gameplay is so crisp its unreal. Im having so much fun with this game. It's also SO much funnier than BL3 that im genuinely confused as to how BL3 ended up like that.

I can imagine this game was insane when it dropped, but it's aged pretttttty poorly.

It's got fun gunplay for nearly 20 years old, the weapon variety is pretty lacking and the script is quite tacky. BUT the universe is entertaining and i'm having a good ammount of fun