It's hard to describe how much I love this game. The stupid plot, the over the top characters, the gorefest psycho zombie romp. It's incredible. The only thing stopping me from popping a 5⭐ is that there's a fair amount of content locked behind a pay wall

Not many things can match the pure joy of slamming giant axes into someone's head while they're busy stabbing your team mate in the face.

For agathar

It's been a long time since I've truely enjoyed a LEGO game, and I only picked this one up because it was highly discounted. It's funny, the missions have genuine variety, the world is interesting to explore, it's an amazing step up from the Lego games I played as a kid

What can I say about this game that hasn't already been said. I think the most important criticism of this game, is that I first played this game on PS4 and it ran so absolutely poorly so I never played it again. Then I got a ps5 and I've played it ONCE, and when I loaded in there were NO Npcs wandering the streets. Zero. I turned it off and haven't played it since

A very challenging roguelike with a fun combat system and interesting and in depth mechanics. The game feels good to play but I'm concerned for its longevity.

Will update review if/when I reach the endgame

I fucking love this kind of game. I absolutely adores rising storm, but red orchestra and Vietnam, and I'd recently sunk a bit of time into enlisted.

Hell Let Loose isn't as smooth as riding storm, it's a hell of a lot more polished than enlisted, and it's high tier in built communications make this game extremely satisfying when a team communicates effectively, when they don't, it's a frustrating but enjoyable realistic grand shooter

Wow, what a dull, empty, poorly explained among us rip off

What can be said. Original game is a gem, this is a slightly shinier gem

I like this game, but I think my love for dishonored clouded my judgement. I feel like there's JUST something missing.

It's hard to explain because outside of that feeling, it's a sensational story focused narrative heavy exploration Ultraviolence romp

I had an absolute blast with this game, I even bought the battle pass, it's 3v3 dodgeball format is a gem to play. The few special balls give the game enough variety to stay fresh for a while

But when I asked a friend of mine who I saw had played the game before me if he wanted to play, he said he'd dropped off it hard, because once you learn the ebb and flow of the games limited systems, every game is either a stalemate or a stomp. And he was right

This feels like a fan mod of DOOM 2016 to make it Warhammer, and you know what, it absolutely rules.

For 30 dollars it's a steal. Pure joy

I'd heard this is the "good parts of godfall" and it's still garbage. Cookie cutter floaty combat in a beautiful but dull world.

This and Nioh are the only "souls likes" I've ever managed to spend time with. This one is much more of a "souls lite". Far more forgiving but with a very interesting world and some genuinely fun mechanics that differentiate it

This may be a case of too high expectation as this was on everyone's GOTY list, and while I am enjoying it, I'm having a hard time really getting into it. I'm not a big fan o metroidvanias in general so I'm not exactly an expert but I feel like there's something I'm missing from truely understanding the appeal of this game

It is however beautiful, funny and challenging

The last Tekken I put any time into was Tekken 5 on my psp. I had been playing it a lot recently and when this went on sale I thought I'd try and see how much the series had advanced.

It's a LOT.

Fantastically Smooth experience this is. Sleek and refined. A joy to play.

Heart breaking when I googled the character that I'd been really enjoying playing and it said "intended as a good character for newcomers" :(