This is a weird one for me. Few survival Games have ever really grabbed me, and I usually have almost no interest in them. I however have a lot of interest in this, but it still doesn't grab me.

It's fun and if you particularly like survival games, it's a very unique one

Such a fun romp with a friend, and pretty fun alone.

It's like if left for dead and red faction had a collectathon baby. Rock and stone !

Minecraft is a better game than I ever gave it credit for. I'd truely never seen what it had to offer until I played it coop

Coming from playing the Warhammer games and then going back to older Total War titles was hard. The graphics aren't as good, they systems less polished and the battles less dynamic.

That being said this is by far the best historical total war game i've played as of yet. The setting is wonderful, the diplomacy interesting, the campaigns engaging, it has a lot going for it.

Remake when

Fuck me dude, this is as good as it gets. The diversity between races is immense, the DLCs are well thought out (for the most part) and interesting, the campaigns are fun and the animations and art direction is ludicrously good.

Strategy games dont get as interesting as this.

This is the future of roguelikes. It's damn near flawless

It is the definition of "okay". It's fun to pump cultists as a space marine, but that's where it ends.

I like this game a LOT less than ufc 2. The fighting system might be kinda better? But all of the other systems are either worse, or practically not explained. Shit game.

"Card based roguelike? I don't know...that sounds tedious"

100 hours later...

Why didn't anyone tell me how fuckin good this shit is.

RE7 was my first, and before this game, only resident evil game. I'd played maybe 15 minutes or so of the one in africa? I wanna say 6? and i did NOT enjoy it.

I played 7 while isolating for covid and was BLOWN AWAY by it. Never thought i'd revisit this series

Then the demo for the RE:4 remake dropped. I had SO much fun playing that demo, that i went fuck it, I'll add 2 and 3 to my steam wishlist. I opened them up, saw there was a 2 game package for them, currently 75% off.


This game is scary, its funny, it's charming, its challenging, a little too much backtracking but all in all, i can see why this series is as famous and popular as it is. to me, this is cinema

I don't know if this game really nails the balance between arcade and tactical.

Rising Storm is probably my favourite online shooter series, and while it also has serious problems, i consider it to do a few things better than I:S

The shooting in this game is great however. Guns feel punchy and responsive. The loadout system is fun and in depth and the modes (mostly) feel appropriate for the mechanics. I think this game suffers the most from it's tight maps and small scale, it almost feels like a tactical CS instead of a sim shooter

Regardless, very fun. I've put a lot of enjoyable hours into the game, and don't regret a minute of it

Look, after what everybody had said about this game, I was pleasantly surprised.

The lore is stupid, the world design is bland, the dialogue is cheesy


The core gameplay is a riot. The mechanics all flow great, the level system is engaging, the weapons nearly all feel great to use, this is a great game to fill in some time if you want a super light RPG to just tear through, Probably a riot in coop

(gunplay kinda sucks with a controller play this on pc 100 100)



Disclamer: Game runs like ass. I bought this on my pc (a slightly outdated gaming laptop ill admit but it can run a lot of more modern games on low settings) and it was a torture session. Horrible frameratel, drop ins drop outs every kinda dropping around. Refunded and didn't think about it.

Then i played it at an internet cafe with beefy fucking alienware computers. And it honestly,,,,,,,at ultra still ran like shit. SO i hope the workers in the NASA supercomputer facility are enjoying this game on max settings cause it's fucking gorgeous

I was kind of a vermintide guy, i played vermintide 2 around the time it came out and wasn't overly impressed. I returned to it after playing hundreds of hours of Total war warhammer 2 and enjoyed it a lot more once being familiar with the lore. The gameplay was really hit or miss for me but the writing and world building was awesome for a co-op survival action experience

The same great worlds and writing are here, with LEAGUES better gameplay. This shit RIPS. It's genuinely as engaging as left for dead, something i'd argue the horde zombie FPS genre has compltely failed to do ever since LD2 became the standard, with a sexy 40k skin over it. If you have a good computer, and enjoy decimating hordes of enemies with rifles, melee weapons, or literal fucking handcannons, buy this fucking game.

It's hard to say where this went wrong for me.

Relic make incredible strategy games, Dawn of War is honestly the best RTS ever made, and company of heroes 1 lacks content severly, but has some of the best squad based strategy mechanics ever made as far as I'm concered.

This is a strange, mechanically odd, system overloaded bloated mess. The ui is cramped, the strategy is hyper arcadey, this feels to me like this was made exclusivley to make comeptitve matches more viable, and the regular game less fun. Genuinely makes me sad


indie GEM right here.
RTS games for me PEAK when they have SCALE. My highest hour game on steam is "Dawn of War: Soulstorm" because I've played that game with the "Apocalypse" and "Crucible" mods which, you guessed it, add MASSIVE scale.

This game has it in spades. It's got an old school RTS gameplay loops of get resoursce, mass produce unit, rinse and repeat. And it does it well. Automating systems in this game is far simpler than it is in any other RTS i've played. Im a bit thick in the head, and i struggle with intense systems (stupid for someone who loves RTS games i know) but this game lays it all out so thoroughly and straightforward that even a simpleton like me can grasp it.

I also absolutely love base building and by GOD do you build BASES in this motherfucker. MASSIVE defenses, artillery, torpedoes, space lasers, anti-space lasers, anti-anti-space lasers, nukes, TITANS, fuckin planet destroying super heaters, more artillery, i love this shit.