Es un juego rarisimo porque se que fue el ultimo Pokémon que jugue, se que no me gusto, se que aun tengo una copia fisica del juego, y aun asi no recuerdo absolutamente nada de el.

Es como si Junichi Masuda me hubiera borrado la memoria al terminarlo como si fuera MIB.

Descubrir los gifs que salen al poner este juego en el buscador fue mi momento más personal

Left me just as mixed as the base game, if not even more

Pretty good standalone title; Miles feels different enough to play compared to Peter and it's fun on it's own way, side quests are generally better than the ones of the first game, and in there's a lot of polish to the mechanics that already made the first one great.

However the story feels very rushed, while it's not as bad as something like the last DLC of Marvel's Spider-Man, it doesn't really have the same impact than the first one had despite having some good ideas; Prowler needed way more time on screen and most of the things you know of him come from his side quest, and you never feel anything for Thinkerer until the last third of the game.

Despite that, if you enjoyed the first game, you will enjoy this just as much.

I hope whoever decided that the Hunters should now behave like that goes to hell no matter what

If I had to look for a definition for s o u l, it would probably be this game.

It uses the PS1 hardware to it's absolute best to make one of the most memorable experiences in the console, using each and every single limitation to it's advantage and it's amazing to see.

If for some reason you haven't played it yet, do yourself a favor and do it asap; it holds up better than anyone would say.