Schlocky, silly, and charming!
Still plays fine, well... sort of. Some of the handling can be quite difficult. Sometimes I didn't feel like I was in complete control during battle. Other than a minimal learning curve and some rocky stability in the controls. Its still fun to play, especially if you put a slick soundtrack on in the background.

With a group, it can be fun for a short period. Still plays fairly well, despite the camera being a bit of a detriment to the gameplay. Alone though, its repetitious nature can be tiring and after a couple fights I was ready to call it

The grittiest and meanest of the bunch, and favoritism plays into my review. It was my first online game and it is to this day, the MOST FUN I've had playing online with friends. The minimal selection of weapons / simplistic perks and streaks / make this COD not only robust. It is far from bloated and offers so much replayability. Plus, the story is a banger!

A strong follow up that isn't quite the juggernaut the predecessor is, but beating this on the hardest difficulty was a incredibly fun challenge and its continuation was a delight from the first!

All I remember liking about this was the theme song that plowed into me everytime I was brought back to the menu screen.

The game that engulfs so much of my childhood. A lot of things about this beauty still hold up. It's simplicity and humor still resonate with many gamers, and it'll always hold a special place in my heart loaded with memories.

Despite it having an impressive score that we didn't deserve. It's loose controls are difficult to commandeer, and its limited draw distance and chaotic aiming can pose some unwarranted difficulty to the game. However, its still charming and was a bold move for a movie tie-in game that I still had fun with.

A fun, yet undercooked remake of one of my all time personal favorite games. Missing levels and the addition of the monotonous carnival games left this game on a limp. It still has some fun gameplay that is sloppy in the most charming way possible. It's not as dark or nostalgic as the Original, and its not as neat and firm as the recent remake, but it gets the job done. Just skip the long riffing cutscenes.

It passed the time in my web design class way back in High School. Otherwise, I wouldn't use my actual free time to play it.


Super innovative from a combat perspective. Fighting in this game feels great, but it can also feel quite unforgiving on tougher difficulties. It wasn't everlasting enough to keep grinding to get better and better, but it was fun enough to play through a couple times and actually beat the game!

One of the prettiest games on the console, but after grabbing 100% completion on the previous game. I think this was a reminder that, I'm actually not really into these games and I was playing them for the simple trophies.

Storywise, perhaps the most hilarious thing I've ever played and a wonderful game to represent one of the best and funniest shows ever created. It falls a tad short, with the gameplay being a bit more fun in the sequel.

Fast, fluid, bloody, and messy! Deadrising is the zombie game that we all needed for years. You could even argue with its extensive list of options and variety to destroy the dead, has been unmatched by any other game (besides the sequels). I've sunk hundreds of hours into the sequel, and I was just looking to experience this game. Not sure if I'll return for more playthroughs, but an enjoyable experience it was!

More of the same, while also being bigger. Yet, somehow loses its charm and engagement. Its like a popular sitcom when it goes from 4:3 ratio to full screen, but the show got new writers and your involvement to follow up and watch another season dissipated.

A strong follow up that isn't quite the juggernaut the predecessor is, but beating this on the hardest difficulty was a incredibly fun challenge and its continuation was a delight from the first!