This game sets the standard is so many ways. 11/10 game. A true marvel in gaming history.

Maybe the best game ever made. Certainly at the time this game flipped my lid. The dungeons, monsters, music, story, game design, was all top notch. Maybe the most immersive game ever at the point in time. A true classic. Essential gaming.

There are very few games that deserved to be considered the best ever and this one is one of them. It has maybe the best argument I can think of the greatest game ever made. Zelda perfection. The sound, ambience, graphics, controls, puzzles, fighting, creativity, story, etc. were all best of the best as the time. Set the gold standard. An essential video game.

This is simply one of the best games ever made. Immersive massive open world filled with seemly never ending content. Western games are few and far between but Rockstart doesn't miss on it's two main franchises. This is an essential game. A must play.

This is probably the best game I have ever played. Bethesda's magna opus. Set the standard for open world games. This is pretty much the measuring stick for all other games I have played.

One of the best old school games ever.