The game is cringe ass Half-Life fanfiction written like a Kojima story, and i fucking love it. Wasn't so great when it first launched due to being unplayable but bug fixes have greatly improved it so now you can enjoy the clusterfuck of a ride this game is without bated breath of it crashing every loading screen.

Far from a perfect game but a fun sci-fi romp with interesting designs and visuals and a stunner for the GoldSrc engine. Anyone who is active in playing Half-Life total conversions have probably already played this but if you haven't then it's in your best interest to due so. This was brought to you by nostalgic bias.

This games dumb and fun, guns feel good and it's funny you guys just can't get over a lil' jank. Get over yourselves

A great game in it's own right but much like Doom, Quake and the first Half-Life, the sheer amount of great content it has spawned in the form of mods is astounding.

Shame that some games that should've made the cut didn't, The SNES version of Killer Instinct, Battletoads in Battlemanics and Ragnarok's World, GBA instalments of SabreWulf and Banjo Kazooie, Motherfucking It's Mr. Pants and have the Code Mystics Arcade ports of KI 1 and 2 included and not trapped with old versions of KI 2013. But i guess they wanted to keep it under 30 cause of the whole 30 years thing, which i dunno who cares, I'd prefer it be the most definitive it can be (without encroaching on other licenses). Otherwise a great collection of the best versions of the games to play with plenty of achievements, challenges and extras to keep you busy and hey if you buy it digitally you get GoldenEye 007 with it, isn't that nice.

Bad jokes, bad controls, bad voice acting, I fucking love this game so much. Unironically great fucking multiplayer too.

The most Immersive Simulation cause life sucks and i wish i could kill people.

I don't think it's bad(?) but i'm too retarded to know or enjoy it

A great game but Half-Life is only the beginning, Run, Think, Shoot, Live.