Started playing this after I finished the second game and was pretty disappointed. The lack of a proper hub world hurt this one REAL bad. I might go back and finish it eventually, we'll see.

Good game but it suffer from being an obvious transitionary phase between the old and new styles of Lego game.

This game is a perfect example of less is more. Easily my favourite of the trilogy.

This is the best Lego game and nothing anyone says will change my mind.

Greatest. Licensed. Game. Of. All. Time.


For being one of the first FPS games ever made, I thing this game holds up shockingly well.

This is what FNAF 4 should have been!

Pretty solid horror game with a cool premise, art style, and intriguing story.

This game has no right to be as good as it is. A casual tower defence game that is very easy to pick up and play that is also incredibly entertaining to a more hardcore gamer like myself isn't something you see very often, but low and behold here we are!

As someone who doesn't usually play these traditional types of point and click adventure games I absolutely adored this game. It's world is vert unique and interesting and the way these two stories unfold and eventually intertwine is very interesting. This game also has it's fair share of puzzles that really test the players ability to think outside the box... which I was admittedly not very good at...

While I'm VREY adamite that the first game is FAR superior for it's atmosphere, world building, and even story telling to an extent. That doesn't change the fact that this game is just as phenomenal as everyone says it is.

Valve's best game. Yes even better than Portal 2. I will die on this hill!

After playing the base game I was incredibly excited when I learned there were 3 full DLC chapters. But when I actually played Secret of the Maw I was super disappointed. The idea of there being another kid somewhere in the maw besides Syx and learning more about it was super intriguing in theory, but they didn't really do anything interesting with it and the ending just felt like cheap shock value. Plus I ran into several bugs and glitches throughout my playthrough that I didn't encounter in the base game which certainly didn't help matters.

This game really took me by surprise. I played it right after the sequel was announced and was surprised by just how good it was. A 2.5D Stealth-Horror-Puzzle-Platformer with an incredibly unique art style, and an incredibly immersive atmosphere. I'm still yet to play the sequel as of writing this, but if it's anywhere near as good as this I definitely look forward to it.

What can I even say here that hasn't already been said? It's Undertale! It's one of the most unique RPGs of the last 10 years, possibly of all time... plus it takes a lot of inspiration from Megami Tensei so...