Man, It's 51 games with online multiplayer. I'll always go back to playing Hanafuda or Chess online with people, it's got really nice visuals and a lot of polish.

Design cute outfits for cute girls in a cute art style. CUTE.

One of the best and most content filled games ever made. If you don't like Yokai Watch, you're wrong.

This does a similar story to TLOU a million times better than it ever could. It builds on the guilt and desperation of a Man using his loss of his other family member as an excuse to be a terrible parent and person. It really reaches in to that mental anguish and almost makes you feel sorry for Brad, but ultimately shows what selfishness and the use of another person to fill a void will get you. What an absolute masterclass in storytelling and character development.


This is the only good FF game that's come out in the last 10 years.

Honestly fantastic, I'm a huge Pokemon fan and this changed up the formula for something different. I hope we get more games like this in future.

Pretty damn good. I hope the DLC expands it more, but it's a fun ride from start to finish.

A pretty great Lego game with loads of fun nods to the series, I wish it was a bit more focused on making more unique chapters and levels rather than the hub missions but it's still fun.

It's decent...kinda tedious in places but my love for yokai kept me going.

What a superb gem of a game, filled with creativity and unique interactions at every turn. I genuinely can't wait to see what this developer makes next.

After waiting for years it's finally here. It's super fun and deserves your attention.

Very fun Kirby game with loads of charm and creativity as always. A first step into 3D was something I feel the series needed to try for a long time. It opens up the future of the franchise and I'm excited to see where they go from here.
The combo moves have been a little dumbed down unfortunately, but the dodge system is really fun to use and the art direction is at an all time high for the series. ALSO LORE.