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I really enjoyed my time with Stellar Blade.

It's a very fluid, fast and fun action game with satisfying combat and movement. Enemy designs are all super creative and visually amazing. The combat overall feels like a mix of Souls and a game like DMC. The parry system was really fucking fun and it felt so good to just nail an entire combo of parries.

You can customize Eves hair, earrings, glasses and outfit and there's so many options, it's cool to just set a new outfit for each area that you think might fit the theme.

The setting is uh....I guess it's fine? Deserts are never that interesting but the more futuristic settings like the Space elevator and the Dead Space-esque areas were all really cool.

The writing however? Terrible. One of the most nothing stories I've ever seen with entire scenes that are just...words on the screen with very little meaning. The concept is that Eve is a super robo lady from a place called The Mother Sphere. She is designed to fight these horrific monsters called Naytibas and protect humanity from the threat. The story gets way more "twisty" from there but it feels like it kinda drags for most of the game until the last few hours. You spend most of your time collecting Alpha Cores from the big bad bosses. The game for some reason has the slowest Dialogue in the history of games and you can't skip dialogue until halfway through it being read, cutscenes are also unskippable unless viewed once and some not even then. So some boss fights if you lose you have to walk in, wait for the cutscene to be skippable, wait for a tiny bit of pre battle dialogue and then fight. The dialogue being as pointless and nothing like I said before doesn't help with this.

One other thing I don't think this game needed are massive open sections with side missions for the most pointless crap like "Kill 10 Lurkers" like get the fuck out of here, this is just padding for the sake of padding. What's even worse is IF you don't do enough side missions or collect enough memories etc you will get the bad ending of the game. You have to fill a bar that is never explained that appears in the top right corner and once it's filled the game wont tell you beyond the inital apperance of it when you collect specific things.

There's also crafting and skill trees and all that terrible RPG crap that has been forcing its way into action games for the last few years, it's all very nothing to make the game feel deeper than it is.

I want to say that you can spend most of your time easily walking through this game until the last few hours, the difficulty will SKYROCKET for those last few bosses and it's so out of nowhere. I'm fine with a challenge but these enemies felt cheap, they'd consistently gain distance from you and have insane combos of attacks with little to no visual indication of what combo it was going to turn into. It could get very frustrating. Enemies and bosses also became SPONGES for taking damage later.

It may sound like im only nitpicking little bits but I feel it's a decent sign when my only real gripes are smaller issues that I feel can be fixed in any future entries. Stellar Blade overall is ...well Stellar and I hope the company finds success and can make a sequel that is even better.


You know when you see those videos that's Subway Surfers under a Family Guy clip? This game is basically riding on that concept of zero attention span and quick dopamine rushes being the lifeblood of your character and it's fucking amazing. You got 10 seconds, better impress the chat by murdering the shit out of every dude you see and climb the corporate tower to save the Influencer. Don't forget! if you work hard you too can own those sick shoes!, it's not an unobtainable goal they parade to you to keep you working a meaningless, endless cycle! You too can make it on the list of the TOP 500 BILLIONARES! JUST GO, GO, YOU GOT THIS.

I'm gonna be honest, I expected so much more from this game. The visual style of battles is very fun and the overall presentation is incredibly charming. The dialogue can be very hit or miss but hits pretty hard when it does.

The real problem lies with the combat. It's very wonky and you can be halfway through an area before you die and have to go through LOADS of the same dialogue and considering 99% of the dialogue is jokes....reading the same repeating jokes multiple times because you didn't want to go all the way back to an older save point and got forced into multiple fights in a row is just...horrible.

The game incentivises making friends over fighting and while that's all fine and dandy...its down to multiple options sometimes that can do different things that you have no way of predicting how effective they can be and some battles are endurance battles. Some also REQUIRE you to hit the enemy before acting again after. It's very confusing.

The game wants to let you play the way you think is best to create a unique journey to share with everyone, but that just makes the decisions far more annoying to pick between because you don't know what's going to do what.

The bosses attacks can get so absolutely stupid and almost undodgable at times and overall each fight is so unpredictable and wild that it leads to this constant frustration with figuring out what to do. I probably should be more patient but it's so hard when I feel like the game isn't very deserving of said patience.

The game has a lot of decently strong points but I also feel overall it came out a weak experience that could have been much better. I was excited for this to release after seeing so much of it for the last few years but it just left me frustrated and kinda disappointed.

If you're someone who likes surface level narratives and have no concept of what makes a good story, than i'm sure God of War 2018 is for you.

If you're the kind of person who resents the gameplay aspect of games and thinks more mature = mature themes that are written in the bare minimum THEN GOD OF WAR IS FOR YOU!.

If you like gameplay that involves pressing 3 buttons and characters who are so one note that it feels like you're watching a marvel movie THEN GOD OF WARRRR IS FOR YOUUU.

It's depressing that something like this is considered the peak of gaming and a height for the medium, when so many other games are so much better written while still revelling in the fact they're games. Designers desperate to be movie makers who hold contempt for their own creation and feel they're making something sophisticated when really their grasp of writing anything is barely present beyond making a bunch of cliches and walking setpieces.

This game is for people who get confused when characters experience more than 1 emotion at the same time.

Changed my outlook on games forever and changed the industry too. Masterpiece of a game.

It's very jank and a bit less polished than other souls games but I still enjoy my time here.

DS2 but better. I think this is actually my most replayed souls game.

Honestly I think the weakest souls game? It's still very good but not as interesting as the others.

I've played this game more than most games I play and I will always keep coming back to it. Adore it.