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Lucca202 earned the Famous badge

2 days ago

Cvit reviewed GioGio's Bizarre Adventure
This game is like 1/3rd really cool adaptions of part 5's fights. The rest, while faithful, is insufferable

8 days ago

Cvit finished GioGio's Bizarre Adventure
This game is like 1/3rd really cool adaptions of part 5's fights. The rest, while faithful, is insufferable

8 days ago

Lucca202 followed Serious

8 days ago

Lucca202 commented on Serious's review of Final Fantasy XIII
It truly is a hard game to put a score to, what with all the ups and downs. If anything, though, there's a lot to talk about in it.

8 days ago

Lucca202 commented on KatietheSqurge's list Silly Boss Kills
In RE4 Remake, Salazar can be taken down by throwing the two golden chicken eggs that can be found over the course of a playthrough.

In Lufia III, most, if not all fights that the player is meant to lose, can actually be won if the party is powerful enough, and reward weapons powerful enough to steamroll the game. I’d have to dig for specifics, but iirc, the first Gades fight right in the beginning of the game can be won not by grinding levels, but by farming about 10 units of an item that deals fixed damage, bypassing his high stats.

12 days ago

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