4 reviews liked by PvrpleHaze

Animal crossing but they forgot the soul

Wow, a video game depicting the struggles of mental health and trying to make a name for yourself in the age of internet celebrities. This likely hit very close to home for a great many people and it would be remiss of me to disregard that. I can't imagine how many people find themselves in the situation of seeking approval while regularly dealing with societal and social issues and this game being a possible unveiling of their issues to themselves.

I thought all of that while I was stroking my chin on my first couple playthroughs trying to figure out if the game would let me push the girl to suicidal depression

J'ai hésité avant cette review....pour la simple et bonne raison que j'y ai joué dans une période full depressed, qu'il m'a absolument transcendée par le scénario, le gameplay et les dialogues. Je pourrais pas y retoucher un jour

why did i play any AND all of these.