This game pissed me off so much in my youth. Also the trackball hurts your hands because it's not perfectly set up so you pinch yourself all the time with it. Other than that it's a solid game. Very fucking short though. Also laughably easy for an Arcade game.

Actually pretty fun euro-platformer, gets a bit stale quick, it's got some good music though!

Some parts of this game's design contradict itself but hey this is one of the first game where NPCs aren't that boring.

Such a downgrade from DSCraft... this is not it...

Generic platform gameplay, what are we in the 90s again?
More excited for the TTYD style RPG game.

Why would you ever want to play vanilla DOOM II again.

Generic Dungeon Crawler, I like the battle UI though, might've been an inspiration for some other CRPGs.

Extremely influential game, unfortunately very short. Creates the game-mechanics that go onto inspire YS as well as The Legend of Zelda, probably the first "true" ARPG, recommended if you have patience.

Actually the greatest 3D platformer ever made.
First time Nintendo used an orchestra and hit the ball out of the park.
Masterful art direction with a blend of realism and cartoon-esque visuals.
Some of the tightest and snappiest controls I've ever used in a game to this day.
Some of the most interesting and varied levels and mechanics, each galaxy feels unique with it's own spin on the formula and it's own power-ups and inhabitants.
One of the greatest plot-lines in a mainline Mario game.
Some of the greatest cinematography in all of gaming.
The only issue with this game is that it may make you motion sick.

I have replayed this game 20+ times and it has never gotten boring.

P sure Palworld literally saw this game and stole it's entire concept.

This game is the tipping point for when licensed games started to be treated like action figures or promotional material, it's only to capitalize off of the success of the aforementioned franchise rather than make something of quality.