This is one of the funniest games I've ever played. I've spent hours with my friends just playing this stupid fucking game.

Had fun but my console died.

Can't land the fucking plane.

The most fucking disappointing game of my entire life.
Absolute waste of potential fueled by greed and relaxed almost creepy moderation.
Thank you for abandoning this Aggie, I understand why you did.
We never got the game we were promised and I am still bitter.
2 Stars because customization is kind of fun.

Lovely art game. Made me feel emotions I cannot describe and has a lot to say about perfection/conformity/stagnation in an artistic medium.

IGN: More DnD than Dragon's Quest

Game that came at a very desperate time for Square, very influential in every way, almost nothing like any of the other games in this franchise, the world is very generic. It's mostly the gameplay that will keep you hooked, sets up the plotline for almost every FF game though, crystals in danger, evil entity abusing it, elemental shit.

If you want to play it nowadays I recommend a couple romhacks and patches.

If you don't wanna get your hands dirty with patching too much:
- - Final Fantasy Restored (If you want the original balance of the game plus some minor consistency stuff use this patch - If you want a better translation use this patch as well

This is optional but recommended, you should have the original game's manual and map you can find scans here at Nintendo's official website.

And for the map you can use games database here

If you have already played it I recommend some other romhacks.
- - "Very comprehensive redesign of Final Fantasy 1."
- - "Final Fantasy 35th Anniv w/ Tonberry, Moogles & More!"
- - "Final Fantasy Ultra just got better! The philosophy is still to add and change as much as possible for the better, while still staying true to the spirit of the game." (I really like this one)
- - "The purpose of this hack is to take an already great game and greatly improve on it by enhancing it with special features, ironing out wrinkles in the gameplay and to a somewhat lesser extent put the author’s own personal spin on the game." - (Was my favorite way to play before Ultra Champion Edition) - Can't vouch for this one but I've heard good things.

Nothing will compare to beating the final level of the Arcade version only to be met by the most tight and well put together puzzle platformer game you have ever played.

Maybe my favorite action-platformer ever? This game is not for those with short reaction times, really tests your knowledge of video games and the game itself. Unfortunately almost all cabinets have had their buttons broken so I have only ever played this emulated on various home consoles as well as my computer. It's a solid game though I always find myself coming back to. Start of the Makaimura (魔界村) franchise which is Tokuro Fujiwara's best work (other than being the producer for Rockman) in my opinion.

Almost Perfect. Also one of the only Sealed games I own. I respect this game for it's influence on the franchise and the medium of RPGs as a whole, this is the game that crafts the Ultima formula, set standards for what an RPG should be and the first RPG of this era to really "immerse" me. A must play.


Shouldn't have been possible, but it was. Legendary game, too bad most of the sequels sucked, this is really the game that ballooned space-exploration games into popularity before they fizzled out sometime around the 2000s.

I don't even know what's happening.

"The most fun you’ll have with economics."

To say this game was ahead of it's time is a massive understatement, too bad it was never really in the spotlight, though there were much more genre defining and hardware pushing games coming out, this game is none of those things, it is innovative and genius.

M.U.L.E. is a legendary strategy game and would be a nightmare to play on a tabletop.

You and a group of colonists (which are either player controlled or bots) land on a planet with the intent to make bank.

To get labor done however you need to use the Multiple Use Labor Elements (or M.U.L.E.s). However they're not the most loyal of subjects and will probably cause you lots of pain!

On top of that you're not playing checkers here, you're playing chess, turns really matter here, if you don't get everything you want done in a turn you can basically kiss your sorry ass goodbye at times, it is sometimes impossible to recover from early screwups. But when you do, it is so rewarding.

This game takes what makes board games good and what makes computer games great and allows you to experience a game that really only would work here.

It's a shame we didn't get the Amiga and Mega Drive versions.

Seeing as M.U.L.E. works best with real people here's a couple ways to play the game...
- - Most active one, though calling it "active" is a stretch.
- - One everyone played before M.U.L.E. Online - Very Controversial
- - Still waiting on this

Every cabinet I've played of this is broken so I'm pretty livid.