Portal is a game that uses a unique concept well. It sets out to just experiment with its unique design, and it works. It’s the type of game that makes you want more.

Yeah. It’s good. What can I say about The Last of Us that has not already been mentioned? There’s nothing to bring to the table except another 5 stars. But, I will say that I love this game because it can touch you in the heart. It has so much emotion put into it that the game part takes a backseat to the story. But the gameplay is still incredibly satisfying!! The game is just amazing. What else can I say?

Nope. This one was just not very gripping for me. The time it took to finish the game was pitiful. The rhythm sections were not enjoyable, and the songs included for the game are bland, repetitive slop. The story was mildly enjoyable, but only because I knew that they were all going to die in the end. I don’t know how someone who is not a corporate conglomerate came up with this idea.

I got this hidden gem from GameStop for 15 bucks. I took it home, and I was blown away. Some people seem to dislike the gameplay, but I don’t really see that problem. The strategy of trying to command a team in the heat of battle is a fun loop, and I was never really bored with it. The story holds on, And never let you go. This is one of three games that got me to cry. But the game isn’t perfect. Some of the platforming could’ve been shortened. Luckily, that takes up such a small portion, that it doesn’t really affect the score.

It has some holes, but is altogether a very cohesive project. Smash has proven to be one of gaming pillars for how consistent it remains, even under the immense pressures the gaming industry puts on its workers. The mechanics are always on point, the stages are always creative, and the roster is deep and layered. Nothing is wasted, and everything is used to its full potential. It makes you wish other games would be more consistent. Although, sometimes some modes of the game turned out half baked, it still soars above most games.

The fall of the light gun game is one of the worst things to ever happen in the history of gaming. Ghost Squad is a campy, fun, but downright insane experience that never fails to leave you at the edge of your seat. The villa level alone has you rescuing hostages, defusing bombs, and shooting down helicopters with a rocket launcher. You can never guess what is about to happen in this game, and the shooting is responsive and satisfying. It’s the type of game that nobody makes anymore, and I love it for that reason.

What a fun little game, and an excellent pack-in, too! Everything about the game just feels right, mostly because it was built with the Dualsense in mind. Hell, this is one of the only games that makes use of the touchpad on the controller. It sells the PlayStation, and its brand. It’s a game that has a purpose, and it passes with flying colors.

I love rhythm games. I also love Just Dance. Unfortunately, all of this does not correlate into me, loving Just Dance one. Everything is just so rough with this game. The tracklist is kind of uneven, the gameplay is broken at its core, and the shake mechanic never came back for a good reason. The only saving grace that I can think of is that later games gave the good songs on this game a makeover. Other than that, This game is just overall very poor quality. I tried to get five stars on all of the songs, but it made me have a mental breakdown, so I’m not going to ever try that again.

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In the time that I had my Switch, I did not finish many games for it. But, there were some exceptions. This game is exhilarating from beginning to end. The concept alone has you at the edge of your seat, and it allows for exciting gameplay variations. Some of my favorite moments in the game were when I was in the body of obstacle or enemy. I also want to mention the ending where you possess Bowser and run through his crumbling castle. It’s just so fun.