100%d single player and had a blast!

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You can either play or you can crawl under a boat and waste away—turn into salt or a flock of seagulls.

I’ve revised my score to 5. This game won’t get out of my head! Yes it’s the most well-written game I’ve never played. But while the first 20 hours were an exhilarating detective game. The second half of the game was side quests that distracted too much from the main plot. There’s a case of too much focus on lore here that admittedly is very good. The voice acting doesn’t work at times going on for too long. Crashed at least a dozen times too. Still hope we get more games from ZA/UM.

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Played on Analogue Pocket. Reached end credits. Won't be playing post game. I don't think this was a bad game, but it wasn't for me. I had to force myself to finish it. The last boss was tedious. I screwed myself by not spending time building up a good library of chips. I wish this game had a larger OST. I wish this game didn't have such a trope filled story. It very much reminded me of old kid cartoons. The combat system is at the last interesting. There's 8 other games in this series. Not planning to play them for now.

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100% plus all achievements. This game drags on about 40 hours longer than it needs to. All the prequel and ot content genuinely is a lot of fun. The sequel levels are a mixed bag with episode 7 being weak but 8 and 9 getting good treatment both in satire and content. The open world sequel content sucks. Overall episode ranking from best to worst: 4, 3, 5, 8, 6, 2, 1, 9, 7 (this doesn't match my series ranking which would be 5, 3, 8, 4, 2, 1, 6, 7, 9). If the game ended at episode 6 it'd be a 4/5

First game in the series for me

Short but sweet. A perfect ending to the franchise.

Still holds up on a second playthrough. Played on steam deck.

First real game on the steam deck. A lot of fun! It definitely feels like a tech demo for portal 2 though. Skipped over doing some of the achievements and challenge rooms.


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What a beautiful game and story. Love the concept of texting and gardening as the core of the game. The story was touching and relatable.

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From the ashes of depravity rises the phoenix of quality. How else to describe The Stanley Parable : Ultra Deluxe? Such a revolutionary step forward in the lineage of one of the most beloved video game properties of all time! The additions and changes made to this expansion will surely resonate in the annals of the history of all media ever made. It is perhaps true to say that no mistakes are forever etched in stone for the stone into which The Stanley Parable was carved has itself been transmuted offering a message of hope to those who have ever erred in their judgement. You are not beyond redemption. You may change, and you may become more so much more than you were before. If there is any message to be taken from The Stanley Parable : Ultra Deluxe, it is this...What a fortune, privilege, a joy it is to have had such an experience, it leaves me hopeful that as a community - as a world, there is time for us to become our greater selves, as great as we ever could dream of in our wildest, most ambitious visions for a brighter future.

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Cup: ⭐️, ⚡️, 🍁, Special, 🌸, 🍌, 🍄, 🐢. Tracks: 🍄: Stadium, Canyon, Park, Ruins. 🌸: Circuit, Mansion, Harbor, Falls. ⭐️: ✈️, Electrodome, Shoals, Wario. Special: Cruise, Dunes, 🏰, 🛣. 🐢: 🏝, Circuit, Pike, Meadows. 🍌: Jungle, 🏜, Raceway, Plains. 🍁: Park, 🏟, Land, Valley. ⚡️: Slide, 🛣, Clock, 🌋. DLC Cups: Bell, Triforce, Egg, crossing. DLC Tracks 🥚: 🌆, Driftway, Circuit, Arena. Triforce: Circuit, Mine, Road, Outpost. Crossing: woods, baby, 🧀, ac. Bell: neo, blue, sub, ribbon

Ninja hideaway is perfect Track rankings: Golden Dash - paris promenade, coconut mall, coco mountain, toad circuit Lucky Cat - ninja hideaway, tokyo blur, shroom ridge, sky garden. Lucky cat is the better cup since it has hideaway

Did everything but NG+. This game starts out really strong. But it’s about 10 hours longer than it needs to be. Really drags at the end and gets repetitive and grindy. The music was amazing though. Still looking forward to whatever drinkbox makes next.

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This has to be one of the most frustrating video games I have ever played. The lack of control over the character consistently creates situations where you don't feel responsible for your death. The lack of an OST is aggravating. The sound design is grating. This is still a tight game and 50 total levels was a surprise. But I never want to play this again.