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I played this game for the first time through a draft format and had a good bit of fun with it! I think the last few maps can be especially draining if you don't know about micaiah + warp/rewarp to skip through them quickly, but once I found how broken that was the experience got a lot better for me. There's a lot of cool options and plenty of units to play around with and throw them on, so maybe a draft wasn't the ideal starting point, but regardless I think the emblems are a great system to keep any units relevant and ensure you have the power to get through any map!

While I do think there's better written entries, I don't think the writing is all as bad as people say. I'm not gonna lie as an FE4 fan and say I was fully engaged at the end of the day, but it still has some nice moments and I think the characters in supports manage to not be as reliant on their One Trope as some other entries when you get them to higher ranks. That being said, there are a few that from the random C ranks in arena fighting I got to check out who make it seem like it's a bit of a roulette on how hard they rely on their weird personality trait, so it could be a tiny bit of a grab bag.

Running around the somniel is fun, but for your own sanity unless you're a minmax freak don't partake in every activity after every mission, it gets so tiring.