Works best on narrative level. Gameplay-wise, it is frustrating and it's difficult to tell whether that was intentional or just an unhappy byproduct of writers prioritizing one aspect over the other.

Will be revisiting. The mechanics of interaction and the possible outcomes linger in my rotted brain.

A significant step up in terms of presentation and gameplay. Gunplay is rad. Story is solid.

Unbelievable garbage. Beyond linear compared to the console versions. The Game Boy Advance game had more to offer fans and gamers alike. My childhood copy was so wrecked, I never finished it. And doing it gives me not an ounce of pleasure.

Rookie Mode because standard survival horror is not my jam and I aimed to offset as much jank as possible. But the game still rules, overall. Script is a specific brand of pulp cheese and the action bits still go hard.

A stellar remake.
In a word- sweet.

Mostly unimpeachable from an aesthetic and storytelling perspective. 25 years of evolution will inevitably produce jank on the modern player's end, and that Gerudo Fortress segment is actively bad game time. But a classic for a reason.