10 reviews liked by Rantanplan

I'd rather fight to the death in Thunderdome than play this game's side missions again.

it was a lot of fun getting used to the movement and the combat and its really satisfying finally getting that feeling that youve mastered it 😈 when i first started it ignored the story and went straight for all the backpacks because i liked swinging so much 😢 the story is pretty simple but good and it feels engaging in where it takes you with really cool set pieces ( i really liked chasing electro around the raft ) and it has a good narrative conclusion ! i really did not like the stealth missions or the detective sections with mj and miles and i felt like there could have been much better ways to include the story beats from them while keeping it fun. i also did not like the dlc missions

Yeah its probably overrated but its the best game ever in my opinion

This game deserves a sequel. The devs really brought their passion of biker culture and the broken open road to the forefront. The underrated Last of Us of its time.

First half is kinda bad but the second half of the game brings it up by so much

Ain't no way this game is overrated

i dont really know why you wouldnt like it

The idea and feel of this game is amazing, it captures perfectly the feel and atmosphere of the first alien movie, having you with suspense and on the lookout at every point in the game, you are never safe in the ship, the dangers that appear on the ship isnt only the Alien, but humans, androids, and a lot of monsters.
That being said, this game is far from perfect, it has a lot of problems, no only story wise but gameplay and technical wise;
First, even tho you can play the game without watching the movies, there is a lot of stuff that isnt explained, for example who actually are you, the company you work for, the androids, the bad guys. almost anything that some kind of story related feature, is only explained in the movies or comics.
Then gameplay wise, you do a lot of back-tracking, but not in a metroidvania kind of way, more like a lazy devs kind of way, there are plenty of times during the campaign where you have to go back multiple rooms with nothing happening, you are just holding W; In other sense, the game isnt exactly about fighting, but you have a lot of weapons at your disposal, wich most of them you will never use, because they are litteraly useles, none of the early weapons works on the alien and in the others enemies you almost never fight them, so theres no use for them.
The last bad part is that (in pc at least), the game is incredibly bugged, if your pc is too good and you have a lot of fps, the audio is always out of sync, you HAVE to enable v sync in order to fix it, there are also a lot of bugs, camera glitches, weapons not functioning or glitching out of the character, animations failing to appear, the enemies AI sometimes just freezes? they stay in place, all of this bugs you can notice while playing, wich can thake you out of the experience.
That being said, the gameplay and story arent bad, there are pretty good parts on the game, parts where you actually feel tense and/or scared, even if its has a lot of bugs, its bearable, i recommend playing in at least hard difficult, normal and bellow arent worth, you get way to many resources so it looses some of that being helpless against an unknown threat feeling.
In my opinion, this is a must play even with all the troubles it has, the fact that you can ACTUALLY feel something IRL while playing this is amazing.

this game is garbage trash but its fun to play and i was never bored and i was mildly obsessed with it for a few days.