Worthy entry with cool hook and even hookier locations, even if story and missions get tedious rather fast, hence why I did not complete it

Spent hours playing just listening to soundtrack and parkouring the cities, which both were simply phenomenal. Story's had its heights and as a sequel it exceled at everything a sequel should be.

Beautiful tropical locations and fantastic sailing segments. The story however.. we don't talk about that

Vibrant and put with great care. Both 2D and 3D styles of gameplay are great, but latter tends to drag and can sometimes be even unintuitive

The music, the feeling of getting lost and finding yourself in a moment, all while searching for the grander meaning.. do I still talk about a game

Atmospheric horror underwater. There's little things scarier than being submerged into a pitch-black remains of a ship with scifi shit to it

Game of my childhood. Fun af Crash Bandicoot style that has SO MUCH to offer. The gameplay, dialogues, locations were all a stroke of utmost brilliance, please play this game

Not a worthy successor, introducing closed areas instead of distinct locations and gameplays. Sometimes a drag and bore, sometimes still as genuinely fun as a Kao game. Completed it just now, at last, thanks to boring Uni lectures and nostalgia

Was fun mainly due to the amazing community that hardly ever got what they deserved. Aged like milk, but created many fond memories as my first good MMORPG (Metin2 is not it)

Survival's finest, I'm afraid

This has an amazing sense of itself and the humor that sprouts from it is one of the best I've experienced. Elemental magic system was great. Don't remember anything of the story however

Fun, but frustrating how much better people were at this than me. Had fun dying

Not just a gacha, even when every of its mechanics is tailored for grinding. Ridiculous limits and restrictions don't hinder the gameplay and fun of wandering around, exploring stunning locations with atmospheric soundtrack - probably the best part of the game. The story is good and has its highlights, there’s characters tailored to every taste and the dynamics between each of them are rather fun. Grinding based on gamble luck and bound by limits designed to take your time and keep you in the game are not. There’s always an illusion of choice - you can choose not to better your characters and their damage, while still enjoying everything else the game offers. Even though updated often and regularly, some of the events feel very similar and can be a bore with their worn-out mechanics. I don't regret playing the game however and with it constantly expanding with new locations I’ll continue doing so for a long while

Catching Pokemon, legendaries, going around, using their powers, amazingly fun game and my first one for DS. I had it even before getting a DS

Really dense and immersive, with King-esque atmosphere and great gameplay mechanic. Same mechanic that gets repetitive after a while, but it's taking little from the fun and thrill this game outright oozes of