59 reviews liked by RatRegnant

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No other game has effectively sold me on it's world as quickly as ME1 has. Every time I revisit it I appreciate it more. It effectively sets up numerous alien races with rich histories that crossover with each other at an impressive pace. Even details as small as average lifespans and how home planet environments influenced evolution are effectively conveyed.

Mass Effect is my favorite fictional universe and this game carries a lot of that weight.

backloggd user goes insane as they buy a tamagochi because they want to try every miku game listed on backloggd.com. it's actually kinda fun tho I get the appeal now after killing her twice I started caring for her while doing other things, it's fun.

This random PopCap game is the most subversive critique on the American economy I have ever seen. In this game the rich (big fish) are only able to gobble up the most fish (money) while the small fish (poor people) are only able to gobble up scraps.

Don't even get me started on how they treat hardworking immigrants. In this climate, they are treated unfairly as an invasive species that threatens to take all the resources in the economy. The game even goes so low as to hideously distort the supposed "antagonist" as a hideous creature.

And on top of that, the ruling class sends the little guys out to fight this creature without ever helping out themselves, which harkens to our politicians sending us internationally to fight some war that they will never directly touch themselves.

Therefore, it is my belief that Feeding Frenzy 2 is by a MILE the best simulation about what it's like to a lower working class citizen, and how they are pitted against their fellow man with the tantalizing prospect of one day becoming the ruler themselves. It's a shame that EA bought up PopCap, because otherwise there might be a Feeding Frenzy 3 in which it has a scene where a school of minnows team up on orcas and overthrow their rule. Sadly, the corporate fat cats at EA would never allow it. Sigh. One can only dream.

the game told me "this is going to be very fun" and then my background changed to diddy kong in an elevator

I was looking around on backloggd and found this then bought the android collection on a whim because I can't sleep.

I got ending 2 so my review will be based off of that.

When I saw this game I thought the artstyle was cute and I thought it might help me understand the situation in Japan more and maybe I can also learn some more of my girlfriends situation.

you see, that's what I thought while going in. Instead, I'm surprised how much I instead related to a lot of it.. some dialogue hit so hard that I started to cry. I've been ignoring my gender struggles for a while that probably won't change but this was surprisingly more suspenseful and comforting then I expected going in!

..or I'm just sleep deprived, that's also possible.

closing word & final score explanation
I usually don't do proper reviews because all of my ratings are extremely personal and not me comparing it to anything else so let me say that this VN is not the best thing I ever played but it's perfect for what it is and that's all that I need to give this a 10/10. As for why I made this review it's because I'm bored, no really, that's the only reason why I played this at 6am it's now almost 8am this is all I've been doing for the past 2 hours because I'm sleep deprived and don't want to try and sleep again yet.

..also its a game that I feel could deserve a proper review.

would I recommend this?
if the description speaks to you and you at least don't mind VNs sure! I'm not the best person to ask this as I don't play VNs often.

miku helps me lose weight hurray! the funny thing is that this is one of my most anticipated games for this year not because I thought it'd be good but because I thought it'd be funny.

Every so often someone comes onto a game dev forum to be like "hey guys, I wanna make a game that messes with the player's computer! how do I do it?" and then every reply is like No Don't Fucking Do That, You're Basically Making A Virus

Well, KinitoPET goes ahead and does it anyway, and you know what? It's a lot of fun. KinitoPET isn't flawless or particularly deep - it's pretty short and ends when you think the game is just getting going. Plus the scares that don't fall into meta PC fuckery like asking you to open command prompt to give Kinito special privileges, are pretty much generic creepypasta stuff you can find any Itchio horror game. THAT BEING SAID, I still absolutely think it's worth checking out and there's clear passion here, even if the idea isn't used to its full potential

when i first learned of this creature i was slightly repulsed. as time passed he has become my friend. half of the fun of fin fin is learning about the insane rabbit hole of fin fin content. he was designed by osamu tezuka's son. there was a promotion involving a fin fin themed car. him and his wife (yes, wife) cannot die but his child can if he eats poisonous berries. the soundtrack is also way too good than it has the right to be. i love fin fin very much. he's a curiosity of the ages. he's also very cute when you stare at his weird face long enough

Basically an interactive toon - if you like Homestar Runner, it's basically more of that in playable form. While the writing is largely as sharp as ever, there are a small handful of weirdly edgy lines here and there that felt a little out of line with H*R's usual tone. The puzzle design is also often as obtuse as to be expected with this style of game, with the current solution sometimes not being entirely clear and leading you to rely on guides unless you want to try "use cat on fence"-type trial-and-error. Overall an enjoyable time though, with charm to spare.