800 reviews liked by ReadyandRaiding

The best way I can describe the gameplay changes compared to the first game, is that after beating a level in DK64, you were forced to play that entire level again, but this time placing the coins you took earlier on their exact same spots.

This game is just alright really. The crafting and settlement building is finicky but satisfying. Combat is smooth. Power armor is far more accurate to the isometric titles here as massive suits rather than just really good armor. This is also the most chaotic Fallout game. Boston is a constant war zone between raiders, super mutants, settlers, robots and creatures. The main story is often criticized but it really isn't that bad. The problem with the story is that the quests are mostly just following quest markers and killing enemies. There aren't really any quests that made me really think about what I was actually doing. Still, it's pretty fun overall.

Game's moral dillema:
Be a millionaire / Eat ass

Damn y'all weren't lying, the Playstation can really produce mind-boggling effects...

Uncharted 3 is a step backwards, leaning into the worst aspects of the series's gameplay and delivering a rather odd story.
Lstick holding is when the game forces you into a segment where you only hold the left stick, and nothing else. It's the most base form of gameplay, just moving your character in a direction mindlessly. Unfortunately, Uncharted 3 has quite a few of these, and they're quite lengthy. It takes you out of the game and makes you want to pull up your phone with your free hand.
Our two additions to combat for this game are expanded hand to hand combat, adding grapples and throws to the mix, and the ability to throw grenades back at enemies. The expanded melee combat is a good idea, but it led to some melee-only sections that really dragged on. The ability to throw grenades back at enemies is cool, except for towards the end of the game when enemies will spam the shit out of grenades at you- and you're expected to throw them back while taking heavy machine gun fire.
Concerning the story, it takes much longer in this game for us to actually figure out what's going on and what our ultimate goal is. It makes the pacing more awkward and the advancement of the plot feel more arbitrary. There's also some issues of Sully being out of character. It makes sense why they wanted him around for this story, but I think it would have been better served as a prequel. Sully's departure in Uncharted 2 felt properly timed and sensible given his age.
There's still some memorable setpieces here, and I had fun overall, but the game's mostly just okay. Is it worth playing when you're going through the trilogy? Sure. Is it worth going back to, or playing individually? Probably not.

Reviewing it much after beating it (7 Oct 2023), I don't remember much except the love triangle, India levels, "Marco... Polo...", and being bit of a slog towards the end.

Another vicim of the early 10's weird aesthetic that I can only describe as "indie gymbro" that gave us some of the ugliest games I have ever seen like Broforce, Rocketbirds, Shank, Expendabros, etc...

I sure love fun military shooters where I can live my power fantasy with no ethical regrets whatsoever!

The first thing I got made to do when I logged in was open a loot box, so not a good start. After that though I beat the earth stage and I enjoyed it for a doom mobile game. I still don't know why Bethesda insists on making these mobile games for each of their big franchises. Overall I liked it for what it is, a medicore mobile interpretation of doom

I wanted to like this game a lot. But eventually I hit a point where I was just forcing myself to try and finish it and wasnt having fun. Ended up giving it up and just watching the ending on youtube before I hit half-life 2.