Most Hated Video Games

Modeled after the late great Roger Ebert's "Most Hated" list, this highlights video games I feel faltered so much in what they promised/set out to do, that they deserve my personal scorn. Keep in mind that this is not about overly-buggy releases, but competent games that heavily stumbled in some major capacity and consequently induced anger in me - tl;dr, they were a waste of time.

Note #1 -- just like with the Greatest Video Games counterpart, "inductees" are not set in stone and may be removed/added from the list (though this is less likely to happen given that I am generally unwilling to replay a game that pissed me off).

Note #2 -- not every title has had a review/analysis crafted for it, and that is unlikely to be ameliorated in the future per the above reasoning.

Mirror's Edge
Mirror's Edge
Life is Strange: Episode 5 - Polarized
Life is Strange: Episode 5 - Polarized
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
The Stillness of the Wind
The Stillness of the Wind


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