Most Hated Video Games

Modeled after the late great Roger Ebert's "Most Hated" list, this highlights video games I feel faltered so much in what they promised/set out to do, that they deserve my personal scorn. Keep in mind that this is not about overly-buggy releases, but competent games that heavily stumbled in some major capacity and consequently induced anger in me - tl;dr, they were a waste of time.

Note #1 -- just like with the Greatest Video Games counterpart, "inductees" are not set in stone and may be removed/added from the list (though this is less likely to happen given that I am generally unwilling to replay a game that pissed me off).

Note #2 -- not every title has had a review/analysis crafted for it, and that is unlikely to be ameliorated in the future per the above reasoning.


7 days ago

Glad to see Virginia on this list. As an admittedly pretentious person who gets up his own ass about storytelling practices and semiotics, it was even too much for my tastes. Felt like I was getting beat upside the head by an Intro to Creative Writing textbook. How it won an award for its writing is a complete mystery. Detective adventure games are a particular favorite of mine, but Virginia is a boring, jumbled, unsalvageable mess.

7 days ago

@duhnuhnuh - LOL, you're nothing like that mate. And yeah, you nailed it - the bigger question is why it got nominated for a WRITING award when it didn't contain a single piece of writing.

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