35 reviews liked by RedFox777

Sonic adventure is hard evidence that Sonic most certainly did not have a rough transition to 3d. Even 26 years after this game released it still looks amazing and runs great. The music, and level design in this game is fantastic as always. I also really liked all the stories, my least favourite was probably big the cats and even then it wasnt bad. Here is my Ranking:
1. Sonic
2. E-102
3. Tails
4. Amy
5. Super sonic
6. Knuckles
7. Big the cat
All of the stories are amazing and I'm looking forward to play adventure 2 after experiencing this absolute masterpiece

A really enjoyable 2D platformer. The drill mechanic makes movement a ton of fun. I wasn't a big fan of the vehicle and gatling gun segments as I just wanted to get back to the drilling. The art and the music are great. I really appreciated the option to turn down the game's speed during sections I struggled with. The sticker mechanic is cute, but I wish there was a way to buy multiple stickers at once. The game is also shorter than I expected - I took my time looking for collectibles and finished it in ~3.5 hours. I hope they add more levels in the future as an update or DLC.

An absolute classic, maybe my favourite out of all the Her Interactive Nancy Drew games.

everyone staying at the castle the week was shady as hell hahaha

Classic gameplay, fun puzzle solving, great winter atmosphere

Outrageously good atmosphere, love the combined vibes of Midwest and regal gothic castle, finally together for reasons unknown. Writing is prob my least fave of the series so far though, and I did not enjoy the intentionall confusing maze-y tower design. Mr Egan v scary though

A real gem that quickly became one of my favorite Wii games. It’s all about exploring the ocean, and there are many different things to do, like discover hundreds of species of fish, search for treasure, take people on tours, curate exhibits in your own aquarium, and teach dolphins tricks. I find it very fun and relaxing to play. I also love the beautiful music and the interesting story.

Fun one I missed out on as a kid, but when I finally got the chance to play it I really enjoyed it. Not much to say here. Like the characters and mystery.
Don't forget to wear a helmet when riding a bicycle.

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Mild spoiler, but this has maybe the least threatening Nancy Drew villain out of all of them. It kind of makes it better than if they were actually menacing.

Nothing crazy but isn't the fact that this is the 13th instalment of the Nancy Drew game franchise despite having come out in 2005 crazy in itself? Props to the developers for their insane speed, especially since the games aren't all too bad.

1 list liked by RedFox777