7 reviews liked by Renmax

One of the best Pokémon games in years, marred by technical bugs that clearly come from the developers being overworked and rushed. In terms of design, writing, and general structure, it's damn good.

Great attempt at the first fully 3d Kirby game.
Its got the standard amount of content for Kirby, though some levels felt same-y. Mouthful mode is a good gimmick, although not as memorable as Robobot. The soundtrack and aesthetic design are excellent, some of the best in the series. The platforming and combat is extremely satisfying and feels just like combo-ing mobs in the classic games.
My main gripe with this game is the amount of copy abilities. I understand that the upgrades sort of count as their own ability, but many of them are just strict upgrades, or minor AOE and visual changes. Few of them really felt like different abilities when leveled up. However, the included abilities have a healthy amount of depth and variety, even without upgrades.

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Played surprisingly well for the first co-op Resident Evil game. Controls are just as satisfying as RE4, but lacking some of the enemy variety.
Co-op ads so much to a game. The inventory integration was handled well and still feels RE-y.
The general tone is not nearly as strong as RE4, as seen in more bombastic action scenes, a first act entirely during the day, and turning Chris even more boring, somehow. A far cry from Leon Kennedy.
I personally love Wesker in this game. The story doesn't provide a ton of substance for his motivation, but revelations about his past are interesting if you enjoy the greater Resident Evil narrative.
Solid overall package. If nothing was a step down from RE4 this would be one of the best Resident Evil games.

An emotionally heavy story where you play as the game's creator, Nicky Case, and live out a semi-realistic recreation of their experience of coming out to their parents. The game is short, but powerful, and really puts leverage on the dilemma of coming out about your sexuality to family members, especially when their culture is typically against it. There are multiple dialogue options that provide personalized play, but ultimately all lead to the same heart aching conclusions. I'd recommend giving the game a shot.

Play the snes version and don't play as megaman

One of the worst games I’ve played