26 Reviews liked by RickSwift

Review #1 - 2022


The game that took the world by storm. "Wordle" is a daily word puzzler that has you guessing a 5 letter word in 6 tries, and that's the game! This was a great routine for me, for it gave me something to look forward to each morning before work. I kept up with it on a consistent basis, that was until the New York Times bought up the game. I enjoyed the challenge of the niche words they'd provide, but they never really balanced those words out. Each day was a new toughie, and after several fails, I got burnt out from playing it. I guess that speaks more on my ability to guess the words than it does on the game itself, but maybe others relate.

Ultimately, it's a brilliant idea of a game, since the whole world is working to solve the same word as you are, which made it perfect for social media. I enjoyed seeing people share their attempts to compare. It reminded me of "Pokémon GO" back when it first dropped, and how it brought the whole world together for a moment in time. The craze has died off as things do, but I still see people talking about their daily Wordle, which is nice to see. Maybe I'll get back into it sometime, and give it another go. Despite my burn out, I still find it to be a lovely thing, and I'm glad it exists.

I enjoy this era of American history so I had fun with this game. It's a little rough since I played IV first and I prefer the control scheme for that game more but overall enjoyable.

The greatest hero in the galaxy: Masstopher Effect. This was my first ME game and I really enjoyed it. The ending was eh but it was great fun.

I played this game for a week. It's an MMO alright but with a Star Wars coat of paint.

What if City of Heroes but not as good.

This was my first MMO and it was a blast.

A fun 4 player beatem up with a large roster of Marvel heroes and villains. Story is loosely based on the Civil War story line but the first one was better.

Better story than Ghostbusters 2016 and fun gameplay.

Not as good as the sequel but still good in its own right.

What if GTA but the Simpsons. Fun game driving around doing stupid crap.

Easily the best Star Wars game ever made that oozes with nostalgia for new and old fans alike.

I grew up playing Age of Empires on my grandfather's computer and when I discovered this Star Wars version I had to have it. Great fun.

What if Crazy Taxi but Simpsons. I loved crazy taxi and this game was in the bargain bin at Gamestop, so we picked it up.

Best Star Wars game on the N64. Very fun and challenging game but not the best in the series.

Lots of fun the split-screen mode and a fun single player campaign. Hard to go back to in the modern era but it did define the shooter genre.