uchikoshi needs to make a different game for once dawg LMFAOOOOO

fun game, great music, you can kill your friends with no real repercussions. what's not to like?



The game gets too much hate imo. Good story, fun combat, and great characters, amazing OST as well as pretty scenery (30% of the time). The beginning fucking sucks mega dick though. There are obviously a lot of really bad things and hell though I liked the story a lot, some of the shit isn't even explained which just kinda blows. I care too much cuz I'm not a greasy fucking nerd but yeah it kinda stinks sometimes. Still love it though.

this shit dont even got gameplay bruh shit game

might just be fromsoft's best game

Most of the game is fun as hell, everything after exdeath's castle is fucking annoying. still fun also the job system is fire

kuro 2 boutta surpass ao dawg ain't no fucking way

if i could give this game a higher score i absolutely fucking would because holy shit this ending floored me so hard

pretty good game, excited for the future with this

this game is fucking dogshit dude the battle system is SO cool in theory but it falls so flat at endgame because everything is super tedious to actually get to the strong point

the story isn't even the best either, although i did like it i won't lie

why is it awesome then? idk, i just love it and think it's awesome. squall and rinoa are my goats and eyes on me makes me cry. goat game.

Never have I cried so many times in my life

Every part about this is a masterpiece. From the story, the cutscenes, the music (especially the music, bless up soken ily), the characters, everything. Yes it has some dumb shit here and there but every masterpiece has that one thing that not everyone will like. I, however, don't care, BECAUSE THIS WAS THE MOST IMMACULATE SHIT I HAVE EVER SEEEEEEN LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO