136 Reviews liked by Rizzotto

Cant believe that this unfinished build from 2001 manages to just beat the 2011 release in every single aspect. For an unfinished build it just packs so much personality and has so much content that just rocks and with the source code also being leaked it's just a matter of time until a passionate group of people will make the visions that were in the middle of blooming live and the dream a reality.

This review was written before the game released

This review was written before the game released

is it just a challenge now to see which studio can make the most pointless remake of all time

this was like peering into an alternate, utopian timeline where the only different thing was that this build was finished and released in 2001. Guess what? no cancer, no hunger, no discrimination, and I became a trillionaire from writing videogame reviews.

When someone steals all the treasure in my castle #Wario #TheWarioSweep

Fun Facts About Kirby’s Adventure:
•When it was in production progress was made
•It sold units
•After it came out there was reception
•The gameplay was playable

The origin of the walking sim

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this is not the Morbius i was hoping for

this game shits on the original so hard i would tell you to just skip the original and watch the recap this game provides

every issue i had with the first game has been resolved its amazing

The Darkness no longer has a power meter so you don't have to stand around in darkness and waste bullets on lights

The Darkness has actual offensive abilities that don't require me to stand completely still in order to use them

The Darkness is always active and only goes away if you step in light and since the game doesn't drip feed you ammo you can actually use bullets instead of the janky tendril move from the first game

and finally the game does away with the big confusing levels of the first game in exchange for more linear levels that keep the flow going

easy recommend its on Steam for 20 bucks if you're interested

This review was written before the game released

Genuinely one of, if not the most boring game I've ever played.

This isn't definitely a masterpiece, but it's a pretty solid game. Short, with many references to other videogames - most notably Resident Evil -, without a great story but with a really nice gameplay. It's also cheap as f, just buy it and play it. Really.



neat game
i love how open all the levels are and the nanosuit is fun to mess around with
the game does fall off a bit after the aliens show up but its still a good game
sadly i could not run the Can It Run Crysis graphics setting