An excellent remake in all regards honestly, the story now makes A LOT more sense with some very nice additions. Core gameplay is still same ol' chopping off limbs, and the weapons feel just as punchy as they did in the original. Isaac talking now is also pretty nice, since it's in a "Talk only when you need to" way, instead of today's typical 500 quips a minute. The new side missions and areas are quite neat as well. If I had to have one complaint, it would be Isaac's new face, it's horrible and doesn't suit him at all, but it's not like you're gonna be seeing it a lot (or ever, if you wear that zombie suit)

Ada & Leon's campaings while a bit subpar are decent, although Leon's kinda felt like I was playing L4D, Chris's is so-so, Jake's is pretty boring

Studio makes a bartending simulator with a cast full of hot women and gays, hits perfect formula
Really though, Jill is one of the most relatable protagonists I've ever played as, and I love how the cast starts seemingly generic but then starts getting a lot of interesting development bit by bit. Some of the dialogues get pretty interesting (off the top of my head all the talk about solipsism, or about Jill's love life) 10/10 would get dogs drunk again

KInd of a lot of lost potential here, honestly. Sally's general character is super interesting, and the same goes for the rest of the cast, but they feel somewhat underdeveloped; there's quite the lack of characterisation, even with optional events. The story is so-so, while it does have its interesting moments, and the gameplay is also pretty hit or miss (and god forbid you're a completionist, some of the achievements are absurd).

Still, the music is absolutely impeccable, and the game stil has enough charm that it makes you want to finish it, so there's that.

Two Memories: overall pretty nice remake of the original, It can be hard transforming top-down to 3D and I'd say it's done pretty well. That said, the puzzles feel way easier, and I think the game goes into the mansion itself a bit too early.

Another Code R: again, pretty good conversion from 2D to 3D, although the world feels a bit empty sometimes. With puzzles, same as before, they feel a bit too easy. The changes to some of the character models and their dialogues did dissappoint me a bit (for example the rocker guy, he's super bland now), but otherwise I did like Matt's story does finish, as well as the changes to the antagonist and their motivations.

Overall, while I did see some questionable choices, it's a pretty fun remake of the original games. Hopefully we can get some Hotel Dusk down the line.