I couldn’t fucking get past like the first area, fuck this game, and THIS FILTH was my first interaction with any Sonic game as a child.

God have mercy on anyone ever looking to replay this game.

An awesome game from the best era of Pokémon games (the DS era), this was my bread and butter dude.

The music, the visuals, the whole seasons mechanic & the Pokémon designs are the best in the entire series.

My favourite Donkey Kong Country game, this one has so much sentimental memories and just overall appeal to me, I love how it looks, I love the tiki tongs so much.

I used to play this game A LOT with my dad & brother, we weren’t as good as our Dad was but that only gave me motivation to become better and WOOO I’m good at this game now!

I regularly enjoy replaying this game over and over and over. Such a classic.

I have heard all the praise and while I’ll give the game what it deserves, I don’t think it holds up nowadays but purely because I was never super into the whole mascot platformer stuff.

Very fun game to terraform in, but i’m not the one this game is intended for, I don’t enjoy the knowledge needed for games like this.

Nothing to really say, havent replayed it in a while so i dunno what good this review would do

I played the absolute shit outta this game, this was my Club Penguin, my World of Warcraft, I was utterly addicted to this franchise as a child.

AND WITH SUCH A GOOD REASON TO, the original flash site was filled to the brim with content!!!

It was so popular it had its own area (the game’s carnival) where other games could advertise their game on the site!

Can’t remember what its like will replay soon.

This version of TBoI is my FAVOURITE, so replayable and its the one I grew up playing with the most

I absolutely love murdering these guys, DROP THESE BITCHES INTO THE LARGE PIT NOW!!!

The first game I ever played on my PlayStation 3, and what a starter! Very very fun to play.

I love almost everything about this game!

A legendary racing game, with amazing music, the ability to customise your character and a story mode that you can play with a friend, Little Big Planet Karting is one of the greatest “Mario Kart Clones” ever made!

Love this game so much.

I only used to play java to play on all my friend’s servers & realms. I miss it but I also kinda don’t :>

A very fun game from a childhood franchise!

Would recommend for children.

I’ve been playing for quite a while, and yeah its gotta pretty bad with the company’s focus on growth instead of making a better platform but the games that people make on here are AWESOME, the playerbase hard carries this game, the devs do not give any hoots about their users.