638 Reviews liked by Robotta

I ran over 3 people with the Daytona USA car. Can't recommend enough

Also it has Mog.

the art is really nice! but its a very very average gatcha game otherwise. not really worth playing

Really wanted to play this game. Shame they did everything they could to kill it.

The lack of rollback netcode reaaally killed any remaining interest I had in this title. On top of the human malware making it impossible to play locally.

Actually fantastic and one of the best in its series alongside 5 special. Now fix the damn netcode already

a dbz game that looks exactly like the anime

Original et fort dans son graphisme et son approche de l’histoire de Granblue est vraiment bien menée.

The battle system was decently fun. I just had no motivation to play single player since I didnt know the lore, and the game had no rollback so it got destroyed by so many fighting games that got released after.

Needs more stuff to spend meter on

Este juego le gana en todo a Guilty Gear Strive menos en música

EDIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzdIcBNRLgk

Porque el EWGF solo launchea en CH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

This review was written before the game released

The true litmus test to see if you have the refined palate for kino or if you will get filtered

This review was written before the game released


~me to ANYONE who talks shit about jack garland in any fucking capacity. the protagonist to surpass caim has arrived


ok here's an actual review - this is the best action game to come out in well over a decade. play on hard with party disabled and you'll have a thoroughly challenging experience with some of the best boss design the genre's seen period. come for the stellar combat; stay for more of it plus a godlike narrative. jack garland IS the best protagonist in ff

and he did it HIS way