that was a cute game :)
my enjoyment increased tenfold by voice acting the characters with my friends

The final mission did not need to go THAT hard god DAMN

In all seriousness I like AC3 more than this one, the narrative in this one is much less messy but also much less ambitious. By far my biggest issue with this game is the "score attack" style missions. There's SEVERAL of them at 20 minutes of length, which is just insane, you could cut them down to half the length easily, but overall pretty solid game. A point of interest for me is the OST because I felt like AC3 didn't really have that many bangers, but AC4 has them in abundance, and of course it has the ULTRA banger song in the final mission.

this is a certified hood classic (congrats on being the only fighting game I enjoy playing)

queen is the funniest character toby fox ever wrote

I really wish I liked this considering I liked the original fata morgana a lot, just feels so pointless. I read about half of the main story, and I've seen all of this, and the parts I haven't seen which are new I don't really care about

Pretty cool game, I absolutely love the aesthetic and the characters and the soundtrack, my main overarching complaint is that the game tends to take decades to get to the point, in the final case especially there is like a 2-3 minute build up for every piece of evidence you present near the end which makes it feel like it takes ages for anything to get anywhere.

case 3 > case 5 > case 1 >>> case 2 >>> case 4
(I think case 2 is kinda mediocre and case 4 is bad)

This has absolutely NO RIGHT to be this fun
"Local man discovers auto battlers" you bet your sweet ass I have

EDIT: THE ENTIRE META changed overnight, crab is in, kangaroo is out

"Oh damn I've almost made it through this whole game without crying, I'm surprised"
And then they hit me back to back to back
This has the best ace attorney cast without it even being close man
case 5 (my favourite case in the series) > case 4 > case 3 > case 2 > case 1, but the thing is, they are literally ALL good, what a game

I absolutely hate the original tetris effect because the lights flashing makes it incredibly uncomfortable to play to the point that it feels like I'm playing a "try not to have a stroke challenge". I feel the same way about this game's single player, however, the multiplayer is actually awesome and the zone mechanic can keep matches intense. Because I played the single player for like 5 minutes and the multiplayer for much much longer, this rating is for the multiplayer.

this is literally better fall guys

I wasn't too big of a fan of the first half of the game but man, the second half was pretty good

It feels like this is a game that I can always eternally come back to, that no matter how long I spend not playing it, someday I'll end up picking minecraft back up. With that being said though, I think to be honest, vanilla minecraft could be a lot more engaging. I'm someone who doesn't really enjoy building decorative buildings, and I'm not that great with redstone so I can't really build stuff with great function either. With friends though, I could play this shit infinitely, by myself it feels like I'm lacking something to keep me hooked though.


Delving into the world of modded minecraft has given me exactly what I wanted from this game, it feels so fucking good to set up infrastructure that matters, different machines that each perform a task that will support your journey towards endless automation and so on. As I'm writing this I'm playing through Create: Above and Beyond, and man this is absolutely incredible, it scratches absolutely every itch I had in vanilla minecraft. Setting up automation is just so god damn satisfying, I love modded minecraft

Drawful Animate - It didn't feel like the animate aspect was used very well at all and it takes long as fuck for what it's worth, 2/5

Da Wheel - This one was okay I guess but I'd rather play a better trivia game where you don't spin a wheel for 5 minutes every round, or I'd rather just not play a trivia game, 2.5/5

Job Job - Genuinely amazing game, the word restriction leads to so many hilarious moments, easily the best one in the pack, 4.5/5

Poll Mine - This one just feels like doing a bunch of crapshoots and seeing who wins, literally had negative fun, 1.5/5

Weapons Drawn - Cool idea but lasts for way way too long, it's was pretty alright though, 3/5

This game is fucking awesome with friends, seriously some of the most fun I've ever had, getting a 2v2 or 3v3 going on Oceanside is awesome. I wish more of the maps were better though, Riverside is good but not as good as Oceanside, and Mountainside is WAY too big, like you need a 10v10 for Mountainside.