This game was really fun! It didn't require too much effort, and has quite simple gameplay mechanics, but it was very intuitive, and very fun to just be able to play. I loved the story and the characters, and how different it felt from the movies and characters in the MCU. I give it a 7.5/10

Third time I've fully completed the story, and it's still amazing. Such a fun game, and I can't wait to see how Miles' story continues in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 in October!

Do I need to explain this rating? It's my second favourite videogame of all time, and just gets everything right, from the story, to the writing, to the gameplay, to visuals, to the characters, the soundtrack, and environment... Honestly just incredible all across the board

You know when the biggest problem I have with a game is a couple minor bugs I had right at the start. Aside from that, it's absolutely insanely good! There's too much to list, so I'm not even going to start, but it's incredible!

Not as good as the 2018 game centred around Peter Parker, but it's still pretty amazing, offering similarly fantastic aspects all across the board

Completed everything in the game except for the challenges and it's a very late 2000s game. Sure, the graphics and some other stuff were improved, but there are a TON of gameplay problems I've got with it that really take away from how awesome the story and world-building is! The action can be pretty great when it actually works as it's supposed to. All in all, I give it a 7.5/10!

Definitely not as good as a lot of people say. The second time I've played it now, and although it's pretty great, like Asylum, it has a ton of gameplay problems. Like the attacks going for the wrong enemies even though I'm very clearly aiming to attack somebody else, and the controls being really awkward and somehow feeling way too sensitive yet not sensitive enough at the same time!

Aside from those problems, though, it's very fun. Unfortunately, those problems happened a lot, especially getting towards the end of the game and it would frequently result in me getting killed a lot. I mean, I'm not gonna say I'm great at the game (and I did deserve to lose a lot), but so many of my deaths stemmed from the gameplay issues

The Complete Saga is one of my all-time favourite videogames, mostly just because of its nostalgic value, and so I put a lot of pressure on this game. Assembling all nine films in the Skywalker Saga, this game is the largest LEGO game to date, and is so much fun from beginning to end (I guess it helps that I'm a fan of all trilogies - to some degree). I gotta be honest, the only thing LEGO can really do to top this going forward is by doing a LEGO MARVEL Infinity Saga, covering the 23 movies in that saga. Sadly, though, I think that's too big of an ask.

So much fun to play with your significant other. Played it with my girlfriend last year (I guess two years ago now because it's 2023) and we had such a blast! Not only is it super fun, but it's just fantastic from a technical angle with so much diversity and range in level design, challenges and aspects

Amazing game. Wouldn't go as far to say it's a masterpiece like the 2018 game, though, because it's not quite THAT good. I didn't agree with some of the story directions and plotpoints, a lot of Kratos' moves from a gameplay perspective didn't feel as powerful (I really miss the Executioner's Cleave), and I miss having young Atreus there and constantly hopping on my back whenever I jump somewhere. So I absolutely love this game, and has a fantastic time playing it, but it's not quite the masterpiece the fourth game was

Definitely the best of the Arkham Trilogy. It perfectly captures what it means to be Batman, and is perfect for all fans of the character. It's a dark and gritty, yet exciting, conclusion to the trilogy, and I just love it. Definitely one of my favourite videogames of all time

DLCs are pretty great, too

Yeah, definitely one of the best games of all time. I for sure get what all the fuss was about, and it was just incredible from beginning to end. Awesome gameplay accompanied by stunning visuals, a brilliant story, and fantastically written and performed characters. Definitely comes in my top 10!

Nothing special, really. It's a great concept, but the execution isn't all there. I honestly would've much preferred something more resembling Hitman. I'm all for a good strategy game, and I do like what they went for here, but it was just kinda poorly implemented, and it can be a little annoying if you don't have a great deal of patience, and can't/don't want to think a few steps ahead

How fun it is completely depends on the type of matches you get. I don't know what it is, but my luck sucks whenever I play this game. I find my good time often gets ruined by sucky teammates, lag, or try hard enemies that resort to sweaty tactics to win (and I just do Quick Play and Arcade - NOT COMPETITIVE)

I also hate what BLIZZARD did to this game with the Battle Passes. They made it so that you've gotta pay or grind to get new heroes, which is not what Overwatch 1 was ever about

The only thing I'm really looking forward to with this game is the campaign. I said back in 2016 when I first got Overwatch 1 that the game needed a campaign, and I was overjoyed to hear in 2019 we'd be getting one with Overwatch 2. Nearly four years later, I'm still waiting, and the fact that we've heard pretty much nothing about it recently really has me worried

So disappointing how things ended for this game. It had a really weak start, getting a lot of criticism and having a quite pay-to-win feel, but by late 2019/early 2020, it was easily one of the best STAR WARS games to date, having so much content and just being so much fun to play. Playing Co-op was so epic, and it seriously is one of my favourite all-time games because it is just so insanely awesome! Unfortunately, it ended before it got any real chance. Developers were moved away from the game to work on that Battlefield game that I've never played and haven't heard anyone talk about past a month of its release! Because of EA/DICE and their pride for Battlefield, we lost-out on what could've continued to be one of the greatest online multiplayer games ever. Just super disappointed it ended the way it did, and I haven't played it in a while because I just have very little enthusiasm for it.

So, to summarise... Awesome game ruined by EA & Dice before it was able to fly