Warning: I love atmospheric exploration and platforming/movement systems and detest most JRPGs, shooters, and cozy games. All reviews are dramatic and biased like myself.
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Hollow Knight is a game made with love. Love for art, for its characters and jokes, for its tight mechanics, for its lore, challenges, side stories, worldbuilding, post-game, and so much more. It's a game that lets you take as much time, as much depth, and as much joy as you want from it. This game is the only game I've played through more than 5 times, and that's probably not going to be my final number. The worst part of the Hollow Knight experience is waiting for its sequel.

INSIDE is a tense, story-driven platform puzzler with a deliciously grotesque tone. The game harnesses player confusion and fear similarly to the studio's previous title, LIMBO, but loses steam in the last act. The ending is satisfying narratively, but mechanically uninteresting towards the conclusion. The lead-in and climax are suitably engrossing though, and justify a one-sitting playthrough.

Subnautica is the perfectly sized and paced game that completely immerses the player. I was captivated by this game for the entirety of my playthrough while playing and while away from the game. Every moment through the end was full of wonderment: what was next, where the end would be, what my place was, and if I was going to die. Every single time I thought I had discovered the last area or the last depth I was mistaken and had to push forward. The map is so large that it feels endless for most of the playthough, but not so large as to need filler. This game is packed with flavor, atmosphere, beauty, tension, and mystery. Dive in.