Log Status






Time Played

15h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 30, 2013

First played

March 28, 2013

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


One of the most awaited games from that generation, Bioshock Infinite is another excellent entry this time offering a brand new setting, characters and story to shake things up.

I enjoyed the contrast between the setting of this game and the first two Bioshock games where this game offers a more open, colorful, and happy setting of Columbia versus the claustrophobic, eerie, and contained parts of Rapture. Gameplay is similar to 2 with the ability of using weapons and abilities quickly to dispose of enemies. The gunplay does get a bit repetitive towards the end of the game but for the most part is solid. One new addition is the use of rail systems installed throughout Columbia to travel faster and use it to your advantage during combat which was interesting and added variety to the gameplay.

Where Infinite really stood out for me was the story which can be cumbersome and abstract but you will have a better understanding when you beat the game (featuring one of the best endings in gaming in my opinion).