Top 10 2022

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The best fromsoft game in terms of "complete package", while not peaking in certain parts like other games, this game as a whole is one of the best experiences someone could ever ask for; ironically, by me being an absolute sucker for souls games, i felt like wanting more from this already incredibly massive experience
This is what storytelling in videogames should be like, giving YOU the upper hand in order to make the whole story unfold, which is so good like most games will need a tons of hours to narrate the themes, characters and world building SH2 manages to tell in, like, 7 hours?! It's absolutely incredible, everything works so well (except for the "survival" component, it just throws you a ton of ammo and healings)
I love Monster Hunter and this is just 4 generations+G rank worth of content into one absurdly huge package. Very bloated progression but when you get to the meat it just never ends, it keeps going and if you're into the franchise this game will be absolute gold. My gripes are with the styles "balance" and the fact the combat with them is less grounded and more "gimmicky"; I play mostly Valor or Adept which change the fundamentals of the combat by a lot


moon has this thing of everyone having an own routine, an own life, combine this with a unique artstyle and the wholesome atmosphere and you get one of the most heartwarming experiences ever. It's obtuse, cryptic yet so charming, it has one of the best endings I've ever seen in a videogame and it portraits the "love" theme in such a unique and beautiful way. Please give it a chance, it's absolutely beautiful
It became one of my favourite hack n slash games ever, by its very technic combat system, the brutal difficulty and the fact every difficulty setting overhauls the enemies you meet (and the bosses you meet in a certain way) makes for a challenge everytime you get another round at this brutal yet incredibly satisfying game. Learning iUTs and dismembering crowds of enemies here is one of the most entertaining things you could ever do; those and the izuna drop, sooo satisfying! It does have shit levels like the volcano or the water level, I suppose it was because the og ninja gaiden games were platforms for the NES, but they just added up to one of the most intense experiences you could ever live in a videogame
It's the only game I've ever played that makes such elaborate puzzles so intuitive and tasteful, the characters are incredible and the whole story is brilliant. It kinda lacks for the villains of the story and it has a bad stealth section I really dislike but, apart from those, this game is criminally good. Amazing character, amazing levels, one of the smartest ways to use time travel in a story and it's very intuitive overall. This one has it all.
Resident Evil 2 is how a remake should be done, mantaining the nature of the classic yet giving the whole thing a new coat in order to give it to newer audiences. This is not only the true definition of what a remake should be, but also in my opinion the BEST resident evil in terms of what a resident evil should be; you can't complain for it being first person, you can't complain for it being action, you can't complain for lack of puzzles it's just an absolutely amazing game and survival horror game in every single way. Excellent remake and excellent game as well
Completely unhinged yet so smart, my first Suda51 can't be compared to any other. It's a binary shooter with puzzles where you control 7 killers, each one with their own perks, weapons and roles in a world where a latex ghost gives you advices and a head lying somewhere gives you elemental rings and keys, but beware; as crazy as it sounds, the story is an incredibly smart way to talk about psychologic and political themes which I can't really say without spoiling the whole thing. One thing is for sure, I will replay this game


Very satisfying combat, Sifu fuses perfectly captivating and challenging gameplay with fascinating cinematography and choreography, making for a very engaing experience. I'd really like more of this, too bad it's too short because I loved every second of this game
Very interesting card game with a twist, this one manages to get you into an exciting gameplay loop to a well crafted card game. It's really interesting to see how strong your cards can be in one run, but what's more interesting is the things Inscryption hides not only behind its story, but your files as well!


I couldn't manage to add this one since, in one hand Omori gave me a huge wake up call and made me do very important decisions with my life, making it one of my most favourite games of all time; on the other hand, as far as I absolutely love literally everything about this it's so evident it doesn't want to be a videogame rather than a "story told through videogame". But I still wanted to give it a personal space since it was one of my most important experiences ever


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