Log Status






Time Played

55h 32m

Days in Journal

6 days

Last played

December 31, 2022

First played

December 26, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


This game is to GoW2018 as Gow2 is to Gow1.

Despite the UI looking like shit, the pacing being really off sometimes and having the true GoW tradition where all of the finale bosses are kinda meh; this is probably the best in terms of AAA cinematic games in my eyes, and I don't think any other game will reach the heights this game has.

This is not only a fantastic way to end Krato's story, but just a great story too; like I shouldn't be surprised that a game with millions of dollars has good written and characters but the last time I can think of a AAA game with a great story is RDR2 (Psychonauts 2 maybe?????). Yeah most of these types of AAA games are just movies but 10 times longer and normally have worse writing, and they don't really take that much of an advantage of the medium it's in other than telling the player to "do this" or "kill that to progress the story", but I feel like Ragnarok drives this fine line in between that, it slips up every now but overall it's a really well written and acted game.

I feel like I should be more cynical towards games like these since this game does have a LOT of tropes that are in almost every AAA game has now and is slowly killing it; but idk if it's because of my attachment to this series or just my overall enjoyment of the game but I can't hate this game
in my eyes it is the best way to approach a "AAA cinematic game"

The gameplay is also sooooo much smoother. I still prefer the combat of the Greek Sega but it's still pretty fun here.

I don't have anything else to say other than I'm glad the last game I'm playing this year actually met my expectations and then some.