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Time Played

5h 32m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 6, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I’m currently doing a marathon of the BayFormers movies with a friend so I thought it’d be a neat idea to see if the games match up to the quality of the movies, and so far they don’t even reach the movies, not in a good way oh no these movie are awful, but in such a unique way that I have such a hard way of describing it. As a movie Revenge of the Fallen is an incomprehensible mess of a half ass script filled with so much sexualization, questionably racist stereotypes and incomprehensible action. It is a trainwreck of a movie and god dammit I just can’t look away from it. That all being said is the game as nearly of an entertaining trainwreck as the movie?…….no……..like not at all………..The game just like the first Bayformer movie game is as generic as movie tie-in games come, which to me just makes these games even worse than they already are. With the baymovies they have action that’s either incomprehensible or unironically cool but here it’s like just cookie cutter third person 7th gen shooting with driving controls that give Twisted Metal 2012 a run of its money. I think the worst part was they took away the cool Hulk Ultimate Destruction like open worlds from the first game (which was the part if you asked me) and replaced it with a static and empty map with no reason to replay missions or fuck around in them. At least with a bad movie tie-in game I could find some Ironic enjoyment with it but this game was so mind numbingly boring to play through I’m failing to come up with anything else to say about it. It’s shovelware in its least interesting form.