I have too much to say about this game.
It's by no means perfect, there's a fair bit of unnecesary grinding, but once you power through it you're treated to one of the most interesting, spiteful and thoughtful stories of all time with amazing music, voice acting and a reason to give the other games a go or maybe even a new rabbit hole to look into.
Don't play Drakengard though, just watch the important bits on Youtube.

This game actively hates you and wants you to go outside.
Are you gonna take that?
I honestly think this is the BEST one and I feel that the underwater combat kinda helps it?
Most of the other MonHuns have you just choose a weapon and make you gain profficiency as a player with it for the entirety of the game, Tri I feel was trying to make players branch out and try new weapons depending on the situation?
Like faster enemies would be better with longsword / SNS, fast attacking / underwater enemies are better fought with something that can propperly block like with Greatsword or Lance etc.
The monsters really require some dedication and trial and error to seriously get good at. Enemies will absolutley stun lock you given the chance and you need to be able to determine when those attacks are coming, how bullshit the hitbox is gonna be and when you should and shouldn't use items.
Items are also way more strictly obtained, you're always going out to collect recourses for potions n honey which really set in stone that these recourses are FINITE.
Also the day/night cycle is something I really miss, Enemies are harder at night and drop more but in the day they're weaker so it's better to learn their moves then.
All of these points are for one major theme that I feel is lost in the future games.
You are a HUNTER. Not a ninja, weathered explorer or any special hero. All of your achievements are your own. And all that shit is HARD to do man..

also this game has like, really nice art.

There's nothing I don't like about this game. Even the boring parts like doing a part time job I feel are supposed to be boring because y'know, that's what having a shitty part time job is like!
I love how the game looks with it's bold black shadows (which are dark grey on switch for some reason), how it sounds with FUCKING AMAZING tracks for both bosses and general encounters, motion controls work from what I've tried on the Wii version and the difficulty doesn't really escalate until the final final boss.
Please play it OR just listen to the ost.

Still haven't really gotten tired of terraria, my steam acc says 500h~ but idk if it counts the time I played offline and it def doesnt count how much I played on my phone.
I got introduced to this back in highschool and played lots of splitscreen on a friend's Xbox, didn't get it for myself until like years later. It's another one with lots to do and a solid pipeline of objectives and again, lets you build your character how you want while still having clear classes.
100%d it last year but now there's new achievements that require you to 100% clean your world and because I spent so much time on my last world that's like REALLY hard.

Started playing this game in maybe 2015 after I bought a loose ex-rental copy, played the shit out of it, loved it, thought it was wayyyy better than BL1.
Turns out that copy of the game was the wrong reigon to play DLC so I had to beg ma to buy the GOTY / season pass version on PSN when it was $20aud. From that point on it was all I played till maybe 2018 and I still play it occasionally.

There is so much SHIT to do, the art is good, the dificulty is tollerable and expects you to do SOME homework and the community always documents where to find shit and how. It lets you build characters how you want in any way you want. PS3 version ran like ass and conked out my whole ass PS3 at times tho.
I'll probably do another playthru soon.