I'm sure its a good game but the dog died and so I couldn't continue 2/10

this is a fun mid-2000s arcade racer, what more do you want? a good range of tracks, set around the world, a large selection of real cars with excellent customisation options. if you want something fun with a range of challenge, this is an excellent game

Fun game, a classic, but that doesn't excuse the lack of tutorials, it throws you straight in and expects you to figure it out from there.

the original racing sim! this game is a product of its time, however if you can look passed its blocky graphics, lack of stick input and very limited selection of cars and tracks, you can see where this genre started, everything that you expect from a sim is still there, just on a much simpler scale, its still fun to play, its one that aged very well

an excellent game, I loved the story, the progression system the weapon system, the fighting mechanics. this game did so much well, I couldn't 100% it, the optional boss battle with the valkyries was just too tough, I was also foolish enough to attempt a play through on the hardest difficulty after my first, I could even make it passed the first thug, the difficulty system is perfect, just make sure to pick the one that you actually want.

I didn't enjoy this game, the story didn't engage me, the controls were clunky I might pick it up again though, when I'm bored

a good game, the story was engaging the open world was gorgeous, the random encounters and side missions were all entertaining, however I wish there was more to do with your achievements, perhaps property where you could display your achievements and trophies, more things to spend your money on etc. the online had much to be desired, it was empty and there wasn't much to do nor directions

It was great. but now, not so much, the story is mediocre, the city is a series of grey triangles with the occasional innuendo. the online forces you to either spend countless hours of grinding and avoiding griefers to afford a half decent car or spend hundreds on shark cards