this game progressively got so much fucking worse over time and was honestly really fun when i started in velvet shell. shit is absolutely insufferable to play now

shit was a good idea but i did not enjoy the game when i played it maybe its better now but im not gonna check i got better games to play

chubby absolutely sweeps that stupid cunt frosty

fun as shit when you doin some goofy games such as eels and escalators

its an alright vr version of the original, me fucks with it

this shit got me through the 2010s

same exact thing as the pc one but in vr (its also well executed and also fun)

cool ass fuckin concept and really well executed

basically mirrors edge vr, it could probably be a bit nicer executed however

alan becker!!!! haha funny flash series!!! game is good too

okay like i think this game is really cool and i did genuinely find it fascinating as fuck but as a dumb child i did not fucking know what i was doing and never did any of the actual story shit

story is pretty silly and the versus mode is such dumb fun with friends i kinda love that shit