it was okay ayumi was pretty good but momoko is a dumb bimbo bitch

it was also okay ayumi was still good momoko was still a stupid bimbo bitch and nene is like kinda okay i guess

its undertale there isnt really much to say its just damn good

valve only makes good games but theres like a higher chance of me getting struck by lightning than another one of these coming out

game is good but like it has no personality anymore it lost a lot of its goodness

this shit absorbed me for like 4 days real damn good only thing i have left is farewell and c sides

rockstar cooked and the story is really great but like release the damn next one already this shit is on like 4 generations of console

if nintendo made another odyssey id eat my own shit cuz its not happening but i really really want it to

its a great tech demo and if it didnt exist there would be no portal 2 so its got that going for it

i havent touched my switch in 9 months

i broke my controller once fighting wally warbles other than that its not really that hard just really fun

this is a very good remake i wish police officers were real

its good (i have reevaluated this after playing p3)

This review was written before the game released

this game is like actually just horribly worse than the first one they literally should not have made it and kept updating the first one