John Wick but isometric, with controls that don't always do what you wanted and a not-really-good story. Good brawler, but definitely not as good as I expected.

Nice concept indeed and I kinda liked how the game looked, but the story felt quite basic and the ending rushed.

Nice short game with a lovely design, one of the game I loved the most during 2022. Light interesting story, with not that many levels but rich enough to enjoy it and do so much stuff. I would've liked different side quests instead of the same ones repeated for each level, but I still had a lot of fun.

This was such a good sequel. The dragon engine is amazing and still astonishing after 5 years - with his highs and lows. The game is exactly what you would expect if you played Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami before. And honestly, I loved the story. Now, time to play Yakuza 3 and go on with the tale.

This Yakuza felt a lot like a "filler", with an okay story and a gameplay that I honestly didn't really like: fights felt too long and definitely too hard compared to previous Yakuza games. The difference between Kiwami 2 and 3 Remastered are clear and might not help people appreciate the game, but I must admit that it wasn't that bad. It feels like the worst Yakuza so far, though.

In Yakuza 4 you can see the massive improvement from 3: the story isn't sublime and definitely not my overall favourite of the Yakuza series, but it's still pretty good. Loved the characters and how their fate brings them together. Like Yakuza 3, I really can't love the combat system: even on normal mode it's so frustrating to fight mini-bosses and bosses, especially on the very last one. RGG did a nice job, but it is far from excellent.

I can't understand how a single dev can make such a good game. I didn't love JRPGs as much as this one: I tried playing FF quite some time ago but I felt like it wasn't as balanced as Chained Echoes. This game felt more enjoyable, with a delightful 16-bit style, an Overdrive mechanic that works beautifully, very nice boss fights (I hated Djinn though, simple concept but I really couldn't get past him) and and some really, really really good writing. Loved the characters, their development and, of course, the story.

This is already a blessing going into 2023, and definitely one of the best games of the year. I really hope it gets some prizes.

One of the highlights of 2022. If only I didn't understand the illusion of choice behind this game, I might have given it 5 stars. It's definitely close enough though: the care with which Obsidian characterized everyone, made the dialogues feel so unique, represented the culture of those times...this game unluckily didn't get the nominee at TGA or other events, but I really hope it gets more recognition in 2023, at least by the players.

There is nothing but heartbreak at the end.

In a simple gameplay loop I found myself enthralled by every character, myself (Sleeper) included. Every ending got me broken: I wanted to be someone for everyone, able to change The Eye. Yet, in the end, I couldn't.

Citizen Sleeper is an heart-warming and heart-breaking experience at the same time. Every ending feels right, depending on how you look at The Eye: love it or hate it, you always have a nice choice available. Reaching the endings is not difficult, and that is maybe the only downside of the game: once you got rid of certain storylines around early-mid game, you can easily "snowball" and finish Citizen Sleeper in just a few cycles because you already have everything you need.
Nevertheless, the writing pulls you in so quickly that you don't even realise it. It's just an incredible text-based RPG that definitely deserves much more attention.

Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider is a lovely tribute to Shinobi and to many retro hack & slash games. The 16-bit art is amazing, even better if you turn on the CRT filter. Movement is fluid and levels have a simple yet well made design, although some platforming bits might get quite frustrating. I wish it was more difficult and maybe longer though, since you can finish this game in just around 3-5 hours. Getting a good rank in the stages isn't that simple at first, you need a couple runs to understand what to do in order to get As or to do even better.

Holy moly this game is rad!
Hi-Fi Rush was definitely a lovely surprise from Bethesda/Tango Gameworks/Microsoft. Everything looks perfect: graphics are astonishing, combat is so good, levels are definitely fun and there are many little things that make this game stand out. Maybe the plot is quite "basic", good but not that much; at least, in my opinion.

Overall this is already one of 2023's highlights, definitely a must play. I guess players around 13-20 will enjoy it the most.

Even though JRPGs have never really been my thing, I enjoyed Persona 5, much more than I thought. The mix between fights and social activity is really well made and every time I stopped played the game I was looking forward to the next session. The game is overall really polished, but I still couldn't really love it, maybe because it took a long time to finish it. Can't say I'm not satisfied though.

This game definitely didn't age well. You just get thrown in a world with no proper introduction, no hooks that can get you really involved in the story. The curiosity really wasn't enough to get me in the mood to play the game, but I still tried to. I got to the end, and it was so bizarre. Also, right now it's basically impossible to play coop without lagging hard, apparently.

Still better than many other games I played, but I cannot avoid feeling a bit unsatisfied.