The graphics look sick and runs like a dream on my rtx 3060 laptop, I would've never imagined to run a AAA title that looks this gorgeous at 150 fps at 2k max. Shame how pc ports are this horrible now, this game looks as good as any new AAA game if not better and the fact that it performs ten times betteršŸ¤ŒšŸ½. I did not like the game's tonal inconsistency and would've really appreciated a better auto heal feature like other fps games. Loved the combat and gameplay even if I felt the last part of the game against the twin robots to be a little too overwhelming. The transition between the game and cutscene sucks ass, actually the visual quality of the cutscenes in general sucks ass. Story kinda sucks too (don't get me started with the dialogues) but yeah definitely feel like the villain was good, but still 0 depth except that she's a nazi psychopath.

Not gonna lie I got my ass handed to me by this game even on normal difficulty. Wolfenstein franchise seems like a unique single player first person shooter experience to me, yet to try Doom but I just know that it'll be the best.

I personally feel the story isn't that interesting but its a good game and Bayak's a very well written character but its just that its too long of a game to tell a revenge story. Gameplay is good but you can hardly assassinate people without being 2 levels above them.

Half baked ending, repetitive quests, tiresome and tedious levelling system, a terrible pc port and most of all hardly an AC game but I'd be lying if I say I didn't have any fun with it.