a massive improvement over the original and goddamn is it addicting

I haven't played much Mario Party but this pretty fun especially with friends. Been a while since I've written a short review like this but I still recommend it.

Just a rush and an extremely fun time
though a bit short

Played this to death when I was younger. Still think it holds up well for the most part

Rayman please come back I miss ya so much

When a game that is over 15 years old is still as talked about as much as most big name games today you know it's good shit

I loved it as of writing this I haven't played the original but I think this was incredible

Maximum Z U U U U C C ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

This was my introduction to the smash bros style of fighting game...

oh boy this didn't hold up as well as I remember

I think this may have been one of the first games I ever owned, it uhh... it's something alright

I must say this was really good with some fun gameplay mechanics, surprisingly good controls, and a bopping soundtrack.

My only gripe being that sometimes there were some frustrating difficulty spikes but I last played this a year and a half ago and I used to really suck at video games, so I might do better next time I play

Deadly shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Deadly Shark
doo doo doo doo doo doo
Deadly shark
doo doo doo doo doo doo
Deadly shark
doo doo doo doo doo doo

Doom Eternal? Get that shit outta here!!!!!

This review contains spoilers

Due to my user name, the average person may think I'm biased so I will start out by saying this game is undeniably flawed. The Pop in still kinda sucks, the sections where you are forced into 2D can be a bit annoying, and the Final Boss and True Final Boss are both pretty underwhelming and or downright frustrating.

With that said, what this game does well, it does really well. Running around and exploring the Starfall Islands is both really thrilling and relaxing at the same time and the story was honestly pretty engaging and I love the new voice direction the Va's took as well as the great character writing by Ian Flynn who about time got a chance to write a mainline game as he already did the franchise some sweet justice in the idw comics.

The Cyberspace stages from what I've heard are the most disliked part of the game, but I actually found myself quite enjoying them with a few exceptions and as far as bonus levels go are probably among the best in the franchise.

Then there's the combat which was surprisingly awesome. I know it isn't as complex as "Devil May Cry" or "Bayonetta" but considering this game also had to be a 3D platformer and have a combat system, I give credit where it's due as it is probably among the best combat systems in a platformer and it felt really awesome to chain together different combos trying to maximize my damage output, especially since each island has a plethora of mini bosses that each have different way to take them down.

And speaking of Combat, there's the main bosses... the Titans. OHOHOHOHOHOHO... while as said before SUPREME and THE END were pretty lackluster, GIGANTO, WYVERN, and KNIGHT were all amazing bringing ridiculous amounts of hype and kept my adrenaline pumping the whole way fighting them, probably one of the biggest highlights in the whole series. Heck KNIGHT is now up there among some of my favorite boss fights I've ever faced.

And the Ost... OOOOOH. The themes for the overworlds are all good as are the cyberspace and miniboss themes, but the songs that play during the Titan fights go balls to the wall insane and cause the battles to bypass Fucko mode and kick into Overdrive Batshitsanity mode. Easily my favorite tracks in the franchise and in a series that's known for it's great music, that's saying a lot.

While Mania and Generations are objectively better games as they have fewer flaws, the highest of Frontiers' Highs I personally think reach a lot higher and I would definitely say I enjoyed this game more. Heck with the confirmation of new dlc coming this year and the director himself saying he wants to fix the final bosses, it still may continue to keep getting higher.