Continuing my holy crusade to play every Mario Kart. There are some things I loved and some stuff that I didn't like at all. First of all, I think I should address the drifting. It's definelty more of a skill this time around. I prefer drifting in later games it's still a ton of fun and considering it lacks air tricks and gliders, it definelty gives this game more of an identity. Then there's the courses, the nitro courses almost all slap they introduced some of the best of the best here: Peach Gardens, Airship Fortress, Bowser's Castle DS, Tick Tock Clock, WALUIGI PINBALL oh my GAWD they cooked like crazy with these. But then there's the retros. And honestly most of them suck. I get they couldn't bring a lot of double dash courses but in that case they could've just focused on 64 courses because the snes ones are so short it feels like they are over before they begin. The Super Circuit ones are also just eh. I will be giving some slack though since this the first game to have retro courses. And there's mission mode: it's good. Nothing super fantastic, but it's a fun relaxing little pace breaker that I honestly wish returned in later games. Mario Kart DS isn't a "generically good" game like what I used to think Mario Kart 7 was (I now think 7 is freakin great), it's a good game that has quite a few things holding it back which is better if you ask me since that makes its pros stand out all the more.

You get to play as giant kaijus beating the shit outta each other and that is right up my ally

About damn time I finished this game. I've said this before but I used to suck at video games so when I got this game as far back as 2018. I would play this game on and off for years and never competed it because it was hard. I was only really recently I decided to pick it up and finish it.

And man am I glad I did because Tropical freeze is freaking amazing. In my New Supe reviews one of my main criticisms was that they barely took advantage of their own mechanics. Here every input, every ability, and every mechanics is fully utilized. The levels feel so tightly crafted with every possibility taken advantage of. This is definitely the best 2D platformer I've played so far and I definitely wanna play the other DK games now


Jokes aside I know it isn't as hard as the previous dlc, but it's still more Doom Eternal and I love the shit out of Doom Eternal, so I still went through this whole thing with a huge smile on my face.

Nintendo I beg you stop vaporizing your competition

I sure was bound to earth

except for the part where I went to space



Volcanic rock is black
Hell fire is infernal
Our time on Earth may be temporary

if thought the main campaign was hard...


this is how serial killers are made

Like Mario Kart 7, this is another game I feel falls under the term "generically good" (Edit: I replayed Mario Kart 7 and it's a actually great) it's by no means bad but nothing spectacular. I do like how it has a real sense of speed, as fitting for a Sonic game you feel like your going fast. But what I think gives Mario Kart 7 the edge is that it's for a portable system, it makes a damn good choice to play on the road and it also has a little more polish. Still not bad for a "Mario Kart Clone".

I was holding my own 1v2 against friends 😎
(still lost though)
it was surprisingly solid


(Just to clarify, I played this on the 2019 remaster but this is the more popular version so I decided to post it here)
Definitely a case of first game syndrome. On the one hand this is still pretty fun and oddly relaxing to play at times just gunning away at demons while rocking out to midi metal. On the other hand it can get a bit repetitive quick and some levels (especially in the 3rd episode) were a chore to navigate. Still I'm glad I decided to finish it and I will give a round of applause to the grandfather of the fps. And compared to the first games of other franchises it's definitely on the better side of it.

Gotta say for the first outing as a fully 3d game they really did a good job. It's a 3d platformer that has an incentive on exploration and between the weapon blueprints, saving waddle dees, and even the currency which now is also used to upgrade weapons made each level a blast to explore especially with each levels gimmicks which can also be amplified by the new mouthful mode. Obviously a lot of well known weapons wouldn't work as well in 3D so I think the upgrade system is a good trade off. A criticism I do have is that some of the standard levels are quite easy (though I get that's a common kirby trope), but the challenge does step in with the special stages, which are needed to further upgrade weapons, and the post game levels do offer a fair challenge. in the end, I gotta give this a solid 8/10, could have a fair bit more challenge, hey it's a kids game.