As a long time fan of the series, I was ecstatic to get a new game.
It’s a wonderful one too. Filled with the humor I’ve loved since the first.
The art style that many seemed to hate suits the series, tbh
It’s a keeper

Not as good as OoS, but decent in its own right. These collaborations between Nintendo and Capcom yielded three of the best Legend of Zeldas ever and linking Oracle of Ages and Seasons titles getter is fun. It’s also neat that it works something like Resident Evil 2. You can start the game in either Zelda, and it’ll change things in the following game in unexpected ways.
It’s worth playing both. It’s just a shame the password system is such a pain in the ass.

I haven’t finished it yet, but it’s already a much more interesting and engaging game than MGS2. Not to be too harsh on 2, as I plan on playing it’s HD remaster after this one.

I first played this on Dreamcast and that’s where I first beat it. Though, Veronica X technically wasn’t released on the DC.
This is my favorite Resident Evil.
The antagonists are creepy as hell and really set the atmosphere.
The bad acting is still present, though this time one character’s VA is so bad he lifts the others up to heights they never dreamed of, of course that character is none other than Steve himself!
This one holds a special place in my heart.

Look, I know a lot of people didn’t like the style, but I thoroughly enjoyed the story and the way it unfolds based upon n the stupid crap you do.
It’s a visual audio book lol it hooked me in quick

A fairly tough, but fun game.
Longer than the first one, but somehow packing something the first had.
Not sure what it is, but the game is not as good in my opinion. It’s nowhere near bad, just not as good as X1.
Everyone’s thoughts on that one will be different.
It has moments of greatness though, so check it out, form your own opinion on it.

Sonic 3 is good. It’s interesting to see it’s unfinished state after you play it with S&K plugged in. Still a strong entry in the Sonic series.

The best in the OG series, plus it introduces the best boy, Rush.
Just an absolute blast to play.
Some truly inspired choices were made in its level design.

Not much I can except it was a hell of a fun game and Lanky Kong is freaky looking and his creation was a mistake.

Ah yes. The first 3D Spider-Man and possibly the first Spider-Man game to be worth playing.
This game has a bit of everything. Action segments, stealth segments, toss people off skyscraper segments.
It’s a bit of a collectathon as you search each level for issues of Spider-Man comics. Some unlocking new things. Like costumes.
The Amazing Bag-Man is my favorite.
I have put way too many hours into this game. Once you’ve beaten it, it unlocks a very weird mode that is an acid trip. Only way to describe it.

I absolutely fucking love this game.
It took me a bit to get into it, but once I did, it was on!
I love racing games and this one keeps me coming back.

I’m only giving it 3 stars as while I enjoyed the game, it’s narrative was all over the place and ending feels tacked on.
But the job system is fun and that actually makes it worth playing.

I actually love this game enough to give it 5 stars, but as the creator refuses to give us long time fans conclusion…meh.
But the game is still a classic and I can still enjoy it for what it is.
Honestly, some decent voice acting for it’s time. Not stellar, but definitely a step up compared to what we normally got at the time.

Man, this takes me back. I didn’t play this until years after it released (I was a Dragon Warrior fan). A friend had gotten it and we played through it together.
Still a fun rpg, if basic.

I didn’t know what to think of this going into it, and I still really don’t.
It’s part cautionary tale, fever dream, and a dash of pretentiousness.
It’s an experience. One I’m glad to have had. It’s worth a look if you like some character exposition and deeper meaning than a DOOM game (speaking of which, now I think I’ll go play it)